Here's Everything Wrong With Kevin Spacey's 'Apology' Statement

There's a lot to unpack here.

Kevin Spacey’s apology statement in the wake of Anthony Rapp’s allegations that he made sexual advances towards him at the age of 14 has been torn apart on Twitter, both for his choice of words and the fact he used the opportunity to reveal he was “choosing to live his life as a gay man”.

— Kevin Spacey (@KevinSpacey) October 30, 2017

Despite sharing just two paragraphs, Spacey is now facing multiple backlashes, and for anyone who’s still in the dark over why what he’s said is controversial, here’s a line-by-line description of everything the Oscar-winner wrote, and why people are so pissed off with him…

“I have a lot of respect and admiration for Anthony Rapp as an actor. I’m beyond horrified to hear this story.”

No one cares what you think of him "as an actor." Perhaps having respect and admiration for him as a person would be a better fit...

— DLS (@wensel77) October 30, 2017

You have a lot of respect and admiration for Anthony Rapp as an "ACTOR"? How Clever!!!!😡

— KatⓋKrow (@RockinkajKat) October 30, 2017

He said, "I'm beyond horrified to hear his story" as if he wasn't part of the story. Wtf

— Scarlette (@Only1Scarlette) October 30, 2017

“I’m beyond horrified…” Notice how @KevinSpacey has placed himself as the victim of his own behavior. See how this works?

— Jo 🤷🏻♀️ (@according2_jo) October 30, 2017

From the off, many are saying that Spacey is attempting to distance himself from the accusations by sharing his surprise (or, indeed, his “horrified” reaction) to hearing how he allegedly conducted himself with then-teenage Anthony Rapp.

“I honestly do not remember the encounter, it would have been 30 years ago…” would have been 30 years ago. Okay, why point that out? That just means he lived with that pain for 30 years. You’re inexcusable.

— 👻Maddy Boo👻 (@MaddyCastiel) October 30, 2017

So Kevin Spacey doesn't remember the sexual assault because it was 30 years ago, but for sure knows he was drunk...

— Anjelica Martin (@jellynobean) October 30, 2017

Kevin Spacey can remember that he was drunk for it 30 years ago, but he can't remember the actual event of molesting a kid? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

— Viktor 🐍 Ulfrikson (@ViktorUlfrikson) October 30, 2017

Spacey essentially said 'well it was over 30 years ago and I was drunk so.' Typical victim blaming disguised as an apology.

— Kyle Raccio (@kyleraccio) October 30, 2017

Kevin spacey
It was 30 years ago
I was drunk
Im gay

— Loves 2 Spooge (@mhjfw) October 30, 2017

As you can imagine, a lot of people are taking issue with the fact Spacey seems to be using the three decades that have passed since the alleged events transpired as an “excuse” for not remembering.

“...But if I did behave then as he describes, I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behaviour…”

1. Doesn't deny it happened.
2. Takes 'drunken behavior' excuse

Sir, today you lost immense respect that I had for you.#NotAFanAnymore

— Ankur Bhatia (@Invictus111) October 30, 2017

Drunken behavior is no excuse @kevinspacey for sexually assaulting a minor

— Pete Strombo (@petestrombo1) October 30, 2017

I liked Kevin Spacey, but passing off this as drunken behavior is just an excuse, and frankly I’ve lost respect for him. He’s pathetic.

— Magan (@DamieLoveAlways) October 30, 2017

Coming out and drunken behaviour is no excuse for making sexual advances on a minor, Kevin Spacey. Disgusting.

— 🇨🇦drian (@ehdrian_) October 30, 2017

I think I can speak for most survivors of "Inappropriate drunken behaviour" when I say... #FuckYouKevinSpacey #drunkisNOTanexcuse#hewas14

— ✨Wink✨ 👌 (@ImInWinksWorld) October 30, 2017

This is very disappointing. Alcohol aka 'drunken' behavior is not an excuse and thar fact you don't 'remember it' is an insult to the victim

— 💓 (@TWDandBenHaenow) October 30, 2017

Wow Kevin Spacey. Inappropriate drunken behaviour is dancing on tables and oversharing. Not attempting to rape a 14 year old.

— Laura 👁 (@judyhollidays) October 30, 2017

how the fuck is kevin spacey gonna equate assaulting a child to “drunken behaviour”

— mimi (@moonuclub) October 30, 2017

People are taking the “deeply inappropriate drunken behaviour” line as undersell of the century, with many pointing out that alcohol intake doesn’t excuse alleged behaviour such as the events described by Anthony Rapp.

“...I am sorry for the feelings he describes having all these years.”

Probably worth pointing out that the only time Kevin Spacey says the word “sorry” is in relation to Anthony Rapp’s feelings, rather than any sort of activity on his part. But don’t worry, this hasn’t gone unnoticed…

"inappropriate" is hardly the word to describe your lewd behavior, "the feelings he describes having carried"? Like it's all in his head?

— Dory Can2 (@Can2Dory) October 30, 2017

Kevin Spacey’s apology is the equivalent of “I’m sorry if you were offended, but, I have issues too.”

— Dan Hughes (@Daneeeboy) October 30, 2017

Oh FFS now Kevin Spacey? The old "I'm sorry IF you were offended" malarkey isn't good enough.

— Temple Connolly (@tea_n_see) October 30, 2017

Kevin Spacey is basically saying "I'm sorry if i made him feel that way but hey man, I'm a gay drinkard. I get confused" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

— Flopo Ya Mampela II (@OwaFlopo) October 30, 2017

Also fuuuuuuuuck Kevin Spacey and his line about "feeling sorry for Anthony's feelings."

— Kandy Korn-tney 🍬🌽 (@Sparklykiss) October 30, 2017

And so ends paragraph one. Onto Spacey’s big news…

I have loved and had romantic encounters with men throughout my life, and I choose now to live as a gay man.”

So first off, there’s the fact that he’s choosing now of all moments to come out as gay, having been accused of “trying to seduce” a then-14-year-old Anthony Rapp at a party in his apartment. Many have accused him of using his coming out as a potential distraction from the accusations (which, if it were his plan, actually worked with some media outlets).

Oh wow. Kevin Spacey deflecting from attempting to molest a child by coming out as gay is the absolute pits.

— Owen Jones🌹 (@OwenJones84) October 30, 2017

Kevin Spacey uses his sexuality to create a distraction from a serious allegation against a 14yo. Different approach but no less appalling

— Andrew Eales (@edeales) October 30, 2017

Kevin Spacey shouts “LOOK AT THE DISTRACTION” in response to sexual misconduct allegations.

— Kat (Spoop!)🦇🖤⚰️🎃 (@SparklyFiend) October 30, 2017

The gay community’s response to Kevin Spacey’s attempt to spin sexual assault allegations into a “coming out” moment:

— Tyler Dwiggins (@T_Dwiggs) October 30, 2017

Kevin Spacey coming out to detract from his alleged abuse of a child is a new low

— Andrew Mullins (@andrewjmmullins) October 30, 2017

Kevin Spacey comes out as gay, but only after he's accused of sexually harrassing a 14-year old 30 years ago. Talk about deflection...

— Craig Todd (@ctodd19) October 30, 2017

How dare Kevin Spacey use coming out as a deflection from abuse of a minor claims. Your sexuality does not explain or excuse abuse. *rage*

— Paula Dennan (@C_Musings) October 30, 2017

Kevin Spacey coming out as a gay man at the end of an "apology" statement for abuse screams deflection to me.

— erica (@Fassbendmeoverr) October 30, 2017

Others have expressed their concern that coming out as gay (or rather that he’s “choosing to live his life as a gay man”) in the same breath as acknowledging accusations of “sexual advances” towards a minor could have serious repercussions in terms of perception of the LGBT+ community.

In the hours since his statement was posted, many have accused the ‘House Of Cards’ actor of “throwing them under the bus” and “conflating” two unrelated issues with his words.

Kevin Spacey conflating potential child abuse with being gay in one statement is not what the LGBT community needs. Disgraceful.

— Nick Heath (@nickheathsport) October 30, 2017

So unsettled by Kevin Spacey's PR. Wokie, let's throw the gay community under the bus as a distraction! And conflate homosexuality w abuse!

— Apa (@apaagbayani) October 30, 2017

Kevin Spacey just gave every homophobic asshole in the world an excuse to discriminate against the 🏳️🌈 community.

— Not your average Joe (@joeyarchibald) October 30, 2017

I find it repugnant that Kevin Spacey would conflate sexual assault with sexuality. What a horrible insult to the LGBT community.

— Eleanor (@ellebrigitte) October 30, 2017

Good morning to everyone except Kevin Spacey, who has thrown the gay community spectacularly under the bus to distract from his own badness.

— Fiona Longmuir 🍂 (@EscapologistFi) October 30, 2017

Fuck you, Kevin Spacey. We’re not your scapegoat.

— Adam Maidment 🎃👻 (@helloitsadam) October 30, 2017

There are people genuinely debating whether or not it was the right time for Kevin Spacey to come out and, uh, it shouldn’t be up for debate. It’s gross, manipulative deflection and wasn’t about coming out at all. It was a distraction that makes our community look awful.

— vicky (@westcovinas) October 30, 2017

Kevin Spacey there, trying to undo the incredible, painstaking work of the LGBTQIA community with a single statement.

— Laurie Strode 🎃 (@myrabidwonder) October 30, 2017

Kevin Spacey thinks he can ride the gay bus to immunity, whilst throwing LGBTQ community under it

— LucyMunts (@PushCat3) October 30, 2017

So many ignorant people have misconceptions & fears surrounding the LGBT community & Kevin Spacey did them no favors today. Not cool at all

— StarsMoonandSun (@starsmoonandsun) October 30, 2017

Fucking hell Kevin Spacey. "Well, I may have assaulted that kid. But I was drunk. And gay!" Top way to throw the LGBT community under a bus.

— Stuart Webb (@InflatableDalek) October 30, 2017

Minutes after Spacey’s statement was first posted online, Anthony Rapp shared a string of tweets explaining his decision to step forward about his experiences, saying: “I came forward with my story, standing on the shoulders of the many courageous women and men who have been speaking out to shine a light and hopefully make a difference, as they have done for me.”


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