Kim Kardashian Has Done A Molly Mae And People Obviously Have Thoughts

"It seems like nobody wants to work these days," according to Kim.
Oh Kim.
Arnold Jerocki via Getty Images
Oh Kim.

Remember when Molly-Mae incensed the whole of Twitter and beyond with her comments about us all having “the same 24 hours in a day”, paying absolutely no mind to how our opportunities, socio-economic background and general positions in life vary?

Well, Kim and Kourtney Kardashian were apparently not watching the Diary of a CEO podcast interview, as they’ve gone and done the exact same thing.

Speaking to Variety, Kim, Khloe, Kourtney and Kris shared their affinity for hustle culture, explaining how they “worked [their] asses off”. But their advice to other women hit a sour note with everyone as Kim flagrantly shared her words of wisdom.

“I have the best advice for women in business,” she said. “Get your f*****g ass up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days.

“You have to surround yourself with people who want to work, have a good work environment where people love what they do. You have one life, no toxic work environment and show up and do the work.”

Sounds so simple right? But err, not quite. The people working for low wages in garment factories (ahem, Molly Mae’s PLT has been heavily accused of this), disabled people navigating an ableist world, or those in poverty, can’t simply love what they do and work their way up to huge successes.

And of course, ordinary people who aren’t billionaires with multi-lucrative deals and sponsorships had plenty to say.

Firstly, many pointed out the irony of Kourtney agreeing along with Kim – someone who previously declared she did not want to work.

I know Kourtney, the woman who said she doesn’t care to work and working is not the most important thing in life, is not amen-ing in the background

— blockiana (@autumnssofab) March 9, 2022

love how kourtney says “that’s so true” as if she wasn’t the one to give us the iconic line: “working is just not my top priority”

— Sam (@samantha_stull) March 9, 2022

Kourtney goes on more vacations in a three month period than most ppl including myself go on in an entire lifetime

— Sophie Ross (@SophRossss) March 9, 2022

kourtney is literally an advocate for doing absolutely nothing why is she speaking

— v (@mggsIut) March 9, 2022

A few claimed that working with the Kardashians in the past didn’t exactly lead to the utopia the family boasts. And others shared job descriptions for Kris’ company, Jenner Communications, including one for an unpaid internship.

I was an editor on the Kardashian apps in 2015 in LA, worked days nights & weekends, could only afford groceries from the 99 Cents Only Store, called out “sick” more than once bc I couldn’t put gas in my car to get to the office, & was reprimanded for freelancing on the side ❤️

— Jessica DeFino (@jessicadefino_) March 9, 2022

“No toxic work environments”

— 🌸 amanda walujono 🌸 (@misamandary) March 9, 2022

Meanwhile others pointed out how tone-deaf it was for millionaires to tell ordinary working people to work harder.

Richsplaining: When a person who
hasn't experienced poverty gives
you patronizing advice on how to
get out of poverty. 🙄

— Michelle Amor (@MichelleAmor) March 9, 2022

People born rich telling people who are poor to work harder.. please stop

— Squidgyblack (@Squidgyblack3) March 9, 2022

not only that, but also telling people "no toxic work environments."

So...get up and work, but not in a place that you don't like. Because you can choose when and where and how you work. Just live off your trust fund until someone gives you a good job. Like I can.

Much hate.

— SteveInRealLife (@SteveInRealife) March 9, 2022

— From Ash Born, to Ash Return (@RealPresleyRex) March 9, 2022

Love Kim Kardashian berating women who don't want to "work" when she was born into high society in LA and benefited greatly from the privilege that provided the platform for her to continue poaching from Black women originators. You just can't make this shit up!

— Ezinne Ukoha (@nilegirl) March 9, 2022

kim kardashian: nobody wants to work these days

everyone working 40+ hour weeks and earning minimum wage: no shit

— joe (@jxeker) March 9, 2022

Kim Kardashian telling women in business to get their asses up and work the day after International Womens Day has to be the biggest joke of the year

— Annanikpe (@princess_nikpe) March 9, 2022

We wonder who the next person to come out with the same gaffe will be. ’Cause you know there will be one.
