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I kicked off this year determined to do better at budgeting and when I reluctantly went through my past bank statements, was shocked to see just how much I seem to be spending on eating out, work lunches, and cheeky takeaways.
In 2023, I’m dead-set on making cooking more of a priority, and hopefully reaping some significant financial and health benefits. My ADHD is a major obstacle, as it means I’m not great at meal planning, lack the focus in the evenings to tackle super long recipes, and struggle to keep track of what I’ve actually got in my messy cupboards.
So, I’m now making a real effort to stock and organise my kitchen in a way that makes both planning and cooking meals feel like less of a massive task.
Are you also keen to cook more for yourself this year? Well, here are some of the cupboard organisers, kitchen gadgets, and food prep essentials you’ll want to have on-hand if (like me) you can never be bothered to cook, but are determined to give less of your money to Deliveroo in 2023.