Users of Kotex tampons, beware: Kimberly-Clark is recalling around 1,400 cartons of them, claiming the plastic tubing could contain a bacteria capable of causing "dangerous infections," MSNBC's Vitals reported.
While the company hasn't received any reports of infection after using the tampons in question, tests have detected the bacterium Enterobacter sakazakii. The bacteria has the potential to cause health problems ranging from vaginal infections to pelvic inflammatory disease, and even other "potentially life-threatening infections."
MyHealthNewsDaily reported that there isn't a lot of evidence to support the bacteria's transfer between individuals, but women with immune-compromised conditions such as HIV are at a higher risk.
The report includes a breakdown of the locations which received the potentially infected products.
"The impacted product includes both 18-count and 36-count packages of the Kotex Natural Balance Security Unscented Tampons Regular Absorbency that were shipped to retail customers between October 29, 2011 and November 2, 2011 in specific Walmart stores in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico and Texas; specific Fry’s stores in Arizona; and specific Smith’s stores in Utah and Arizona."
In a press release, Kimberly-Clark said that all stores have been notified of the recall and instructed to remove the product from their shelves.
The release also provided instructions for those who have come into contact with the tampons.
"Consumers should contact a physician immediately if they have used the impacted Kotex Natural Balance* Security Unscented Tampons Regular Absorbency product and experience unusual vaginal discharge, rash, fever, headache, vomiting or abdominal pains, particularly if they are HIV positive, have AIDS, cancer, an existing serious illness or may be pregnant.
If any consumer has the impacted Kotex Natural Balance Security Unscented Tampons Regular Absorbency in their possession, they should stop using the product immediately. They should also contact Kimberly-Clark’s Consumer Services Division at 1-800-335-6839 so the necessary information and arrangements can be made to retrieve the unused product."
Scroll for the full press release: