Lisa Stansfield Addresses 'Embarrassing' 'BBC Breakfast' Interview

Nice hat, though.

Lisa Stansfield has spoken out, after it was suggested by some viewers that she may have been drunk during her appearance on Friday morning’s (22 April) ‘BBC Breakfast’.

The 80s singer was appearing on the show to talk about Prince, following his death on Thursday at the age of 57.

However, it wasn’t her anecdotes that got everyone talking, but a rather inappropriate question she put to presenter Naga Munchetty afterwards.

Good hat
Good hat

Lisa kicked off the Prince reminiscing with a story about meeting him in a nightclub in Rio, where her mother told him he had “little hands… like a boy”.

Naga then continued with her own story about how she danced with the pop icon on her 21st birthday.

She explained: “I was out with friends and he always had really big bodyguards around him. And they approached me and said, ‘our boss would like to talk to you’. So I said, ‘who’s your boss?’”

After discovering the “boss” in question was none other than music legend Prince, she continued: “He wanted to have a dance with me! So I danced to his latest single and met him and had a chat with him… it was the talk of the university when I went back.”

Naga shares her own Prince story
Naga shares her own Prince story

Perhaps forgetting where she was, as Naga wrapped up the segment, Lisa interjected: “And did everyone say, ‘did ya or didn’t ya?’”

Co-presenter Charlie Stayt was quick to jump in, remarking: “That’s where we stop the story”, to raucaous laughter from Lisa and a faux-shocked “How very dare you!” from Naga.

Lisa Stansfield is not afraid to laugh at her own jokes
Lisa Stansfield is not afraid to laugh at her own jokes

Unsurprisingly, Lisa’s appearance on the show got a lot of attention on social media…

I'm thinking Lisa Stansfield is not going to love watching that interview back & neither is the producer @BBCBreakfast

— Alison Hume (@spartiscribe) April 22, 2016

Embarrassing 'tribute' to #Prince by a hungover Lisa Stansfield talking more about herself. @BBCBreakfast #bbcbreakfast an insulting choice

— bonagardens (@bonagardens) April 22, 2016

Lisa Stansfield showing herself up on tv and now radio. She isn't a morning person is she?

— P (@_SanHolo_) April 22, 2016

Are you feeling okay, Lisa Stansfield?#BBCBreakfast

— Andy Gibson TV (@AndyGibsonTV) April 22, 2016

Bloody hell!! #LisaStansfield on #BBCBreakfast 😣

— Linda (@Moonbeenz) April 22, 2016

Nice to see Lisa Stansfield go straight from the pub to @BBCBreakfast

— Wassboy (@Wassboy) April 22, 2016

@BBCBreakfast @lisajstansfield @BBCNaga Well that was embarrassing. Naga looked mortified at that question! Disgraceful behaviour from Lisa.

— Victoria Todd (@VickiGraceTodd) April 22, 2016

Not sure @BBCNaga is gonna live that Lisa Stansfield interview down for a while! #DidSheOrDidntShe?

— Remarkable (@RemIsBuzzin) April 22, 2016

well that was awkward @BBCBreakfast @BBCNaga @lisajstansfield
hope a better tribute to the loss of a musical genius is forthcoming! #prince

— banno (@banno70) April 22, 2016

God was @LisaStansfield drunk on @BBC this morning ?? Laughing and joking about her Mum What a waste of somebody doing a real tribute 😡🙄😥

— Mum to the Toey Boys (@Lesleann22) April 22, 2016

Lisa Stansfield on @BBCBreakfast off her nut! Where did they unearth her from! 😂

— Mark Liddle (@Mackem27) April 22, 2016

@BBCNaga @BBCBreakfast what the hell was going on with Lisa Stansfield? Barmy, cringeworthy interview about #Prince

— TheCobrasConk (@TheCobrasConk) April 22, 2016

As Lisa’s name rose up the UK trending topics on Twitter, though, other viewers leapt to her defence, insisting she made for an interesting interview if nothing else.

LOVED the Lisa Stansfield Interview!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

— njbabc (@njbabc) April 22, 2016

Lisa Stansfield was just MINT on BBC Breakfast! Even implied that Naga shagged Prince. Love her.

— Kingsley Chapman (@kingsleychapman) April 22, 2016

Am I the only one that thought Lisa Stansfield was not drunk this morning?

— SirCliveTheRed (@EPLinEngland) April 22, 2016

Greatly amused by Lisa Stansfield on BBC Breakfast today. She can only be herself, no matter which pub she's been in...

— Andrew Bradley (@earlgreyjunior) April 22, 2016

Just watched the clip of Lisa Stansfield from earlier this morning. I wouldn't mind mind going for a drink or two with her.

— Tina (@tinathewife) April 22, 2016

So #didnaga or didn't Naga? Gotta love Lisa Stansfield, straight to the point! 😂😂😂

— Sian Astley (@Moregeous) April 22, 2016

I bloody love hearing proper northern accents on the BBC - go #LisaStansfield 👍 as Mancunian as they come

— Jo Phillips (@joglasg) April 22, 2016

Lisa Stansfield asking Naga Munchetty whether or not she shagged Prince. Live on BBC Breakfast. Marvellous.

— Tony Rogers (@TonyRogers70) April 22, 2016

@joglasg I know! And some are sayin' she was off 'er 'ead. Get a life. #LisaStansfield is a legend 8-) Take me out @lisajstansfield

— ♏ango ᔕocial ♏edia (@SethMould) April 22, 2016

The irrepressible @lisajstansfield on #Prince worth watching just for the question right at the end....

— Richard Frediani (@FredianiITV) April 22, 2016

Addressing people's concerns, a representative for Lisa insisted: "No, of course she wasn’t drunk. Lisa has a very effervescent personality and is always a lively interviewee."

Watch her full interview here, and let us know whether you think Lisa crossed a line in the comments below:

This isn’t the first time Lisa has raised eyebrows on breakfast telly, having sported a necklace emblazoned with the C-bomb during an appearance on ‘Good Morning Britain’ back in 2014.

Check out some more awkward interview moments below...

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