13 Tweets That Sum Up How Ridiculous Imposter Syndrome Is

'Just nodding like an awkward potato.'

Imposter Syndrome is no joke, but there is something to be said for trying to put our irrationalities into context.

To suffer with Imposter Syndrome is to have a complete inability to internalise accomplishments, coupled with a consistent fear of being exposed as a fraud, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

When you know other people feel like you do, it takes the pressure off (well, at least temporarily...)

1. Ignoring a lifetime of compliments.

So many professionals telling me how impressive my work is and I'm just nodding like an awkward potato #impostersyndrome #fakeittilyoumakeit

— Kelvin (@Think_Nu) September 9, 2016

2. Assuming everything in your life will self destruct for no reason.

[as something good is happening to me]
MY BRAIN: This is fleeting and will inevitably end

— Hippo (@InternetHippo) December 4, 2015

3. Thinking you’re the only one who is still faking it till they make it.

4. Letting your irrational brain win when it has no right to.

Me: time for bed
Brain: hi
Me: go to sleep
Brain: it's not imposter syndrome if u genuinely are shit
Brain: 🌚

— Dee (@figgled) December 12, 2015

5. Thinking that you have nothing worthy to contribute.

Prepping an outline of my first chapter for my supervisor. It's going well. #phdlife #impostersyndrome pic.twitter.com/xkCYanqqNU

— Eve Kearney (@kearnivale) September 20, 2016

6. Second-guessing everyone else’s motives.

Person: *treats me kindly and actually wants to spend time with me
brain: they have an ulterior motive
Me: what
brain: they hate you

— Summer Ferguson (@summysideup) December 2, 2015

7. Forgetting that you only see what other people want you to see and not all their hard work.

Love this quote: "Don't compare your behind-the-scenes to everyone else's highlight reel." #impostersyndrome

— Mindy Curnutt (@sqlgirl) September 17, 2016

8. Letting self doubt become a constant fixture in your life.

aka being a (female) scientist (by @caromartini)#WomenInSTEM #science #impostersyndrome pic.twitter.com/vc1TjfKwSP

— Franziska Sattler (@ohyeahfranzi) September 4, 2016

9. Ignoring praise and letting your insecurities grow.

Insecurity=f(Praise) pic.twitter.com/g7zKQ2O2Al

— sharon strandskov (@sharonstrands) August 26, 2016

10. Comparing yourself to others.

This is me among all you awesome folks. #impostersyndrome

(via ICanHasCheezburger) pic.twitter.com/7MRIWQWoWT

— Jennifer Scheurle (@Gaohmee) August 16, 2016

11. Feeling like you have to be the same as everyone else to achieve.

12. Thinking that you are the odd one out.

A solid argument to retire #ImposterSyndrome https://t.co/Ufb7Frbuxy pic.twitter.com/PGXagSwZ1g

— Ruth Miller (@mcplanner) August 15, 2016

13. Wondering when everyone is going to discover you for who you really are.

#TFW when everyone is going to realize that you're actually just 3 golden retrievers stacked up in a trenchcoat. #ImposterSyndrome

— Chris Danilo (@theCountDanilo) August 31, 2016

You’ve got this shit nailed, honest.
