Liz Truss Gives The Internet A 'Gift Of A GIF' For The Ages On Fox News

"I genuinely don't know how she manages to do it. It's extraordinary."
Liz Truss's new book, called Ten Years To Save The West, comes less than two years after her mini-budget sent the UK markets into freefall.
Liz Truss's new book, called Ten Years To Save The West, comes less than two years after her mini-budget sent the UK markets into freefall.
Leon Neal via Getty Images

Liz Truss has gone viral yet again after she was captured on camera making an unfortunate blunder while trying to promote her controversial new book.

The former prime minister, who has a reputation for making rather unfortunate gaffes, went on the right-wing US TV channel Fox News to talk about her volume, Ten Years To Save The West.

Only, she failed to hold it up the right way.

First, she held up to the camera back-to-front, and then she held it upside-down.

And while the whole unfortunate moment may have lasted a mere 10 seconds – and there is a whole host of other Truss debacles to dissect – the internet really, really did not want to let this one slide.

A gift of a GIF is born!

— Colin the Dachshund (@DachshundColin) April 16, 2024

Of course – as with any Truss appearances – references to the lettuce which outlasted her time in office popped up in a range of forms.

🥬 🥬🥬🥬

— Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) April 16, 2024

Finally, a vegetable with the same name on both sides of the Atlantic

— Steve Peers (@StevePeers) April 16, 2024

Lettuce not trouble ourselves with this.

— Max Preston (@MaxSkyNews) April 16, 2024

And others could not help but refer back to her previous (arguably iconic) slip-ups, such as her very strong pronunciation of the word “disgrace” when talking about cheese...

I suspect this could become as much of a meme as "That.. is..a..DISGRACE"

Upside-down, back-to-front, it all makes as much sense.

— Paul Waugh (@paulwaugh) April 16, 2024

America is experiencing the charisma juggernaut that is Liz Truss. They are not ready.

— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) April 16, 2024

Some were just in disbelief at how she continued to out-do herself with her public appearances...

Are we absolutely certain Liz Truss isn't a @joelycett character creation?

I mean, are we *absolutely* certain?

— Lee Hurley (@HLeeHurley) April 16, 2024

It's the satirists I feel sorry for.

— Russ Jones (@RussInCheshire) April 16, 2024

Surely she does this on purpose 🤔

No one could be that consistently dense.

— Robert S (@S64Robert) April 16, 2024

I genuinely don't know how she manages to do it. It's extraordinary. A rare gift.

— Luke McGee (@lukemcgee) April 16, 2024

Is there no beginning to her talents?

— Gwdihŵ 🦉 (@youwouldknow) April 16, 2024

I’ve never seen someone get ‘picking up a book’ so wrong before. Incredible.

— Kate Jarman (@KateBurkeNHS) April 16, 2024

This peculiar moment is actually just the latest to emerge from her efforts to promote her book.

She dubbed anyone who thinks she crashed the UK economy through her disastrous mini-budget “very stupid or very malevolent” (despite evidence to the contrary).

She also said for the Supreme Court to be abolished, and released an eyebrow-raising video where she called herself “the only conservative in the room”.


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