Lorraine Kelly Wins £1.2m Tax Battle As Judge Rules She Is A 'Theatrical Artist' Who 'Performs A Role' On Morning TV

Fans are baffled by Lorraine Kelly playing the part of Lorraine Kelly on ITV's 'Lorraine'.

Lorraine Kelly has won a £1.2 million tax battle with HMRC, after a tribunal judge ruled she does not appear as herself on breakfast TV.

While we all know the Scottish star as the friendly face who helps wake us up with her beaming smile and chatty presenting style, Judge Jennifer Dean claimed Lorraine can be described as a “theatrical artist”, as she “presents herself as a brand”.

Lorraine Kelly playing the part of Lorraine Kelly on ITV's 'Lorraine'
Lorraine Kelly playing the part of Lorraine Kelly on ITV's 'Lorraine'

Lorraine was handed a bill made up of almost £900,000 in income tax and more than £300,000 in national insurance contributions in 2016, but the judge’s description of the role she plays means that payments to an agent were allowed as a tax-deductible expense.

From 2012, Lorraine was contracted to present Good Morning Britain predecessor Daybreak and her Lorraine show through the company she runs with her husband, but HMRC argued she was effectively an employee of ITV.

Siding with Lorraine, the judge also concluded the relationship between her and ITV “was a contract for services and not that of employer and employee”, and should be treated as a “self-employed star”.

In her ruling, the judge said: “We did not accept that Ms Kelly simply appeared as herself – we were satisfied that Ms Kelly presents a persona of herself, she presents herself as a brand and that is the brand ITV sought when engaging her.

“All parts of the show are a performance, the act being to perform the role of a friendly, chatty and fun personality.

“Quite simply put, the programmes are entertaining, Ms Kelly is entertaining and the ‘DNA’ referred to is the personality, performance, the ‘Lorraine Kelly’ brand that is brought to the programmes.”

Will the real Lorraine Kelly please stand up
Will the real Lorraine Kelly please stand up

She added: “We should make clear we do not doubt that Ms Kelly is an entertaining lady but the point is that for the time Ms Kelly is contracted to perform live on air she is public ‘Lorraine Kelly’.

“She may not like the guest she interviews, she may not like the food she eats, she may not like the film she viewed but that is where the performance lies.”

The revelation Lorraine is playing the part of ‘Lorraine Kelly’ on our screens every morning had a lot of her fans completely baffled...

And the BAFTA goes to...

Lorraine Kelly for her role as Lorraine Kelly on Lorraine Kelly pic.twitter.com/A0ZQz4M5VB

— shane telford. (@MrShaneReaction) March 20, 2019

Lorraine Kelly on TV vs. Lorraine Kelly in real life pic.twitter.com/KPDg8IY4qz

— 💃🏼Glen Scott💃🏼 (@glenrules) March 20, 2019

Almost time for interpretive actress Lorraine Kelly today, so excited for this morning's performance

— Jack Wetherill (@JackWetherill) March 21, 2019

Hang on, does this mean that when someone like Christine Lampard fills in for Lorraine she is playing 'Lorraine Kelly' too?

Is she just Christine then OR Christine playing Christine? https://t.co/3526IT1mhj

— Ryan Love △⃒⃘ (@RyanJL) March 20, 2019

Lorraine Kelly when she collects the BAFTA for Best TV Actress... pic.twitter.com/Rt33TYhZVK

— Elliot Gonzalez (@elliot_gonzalez) March 21, 2019

So who is the real #Lorraine Kelly.

— SciriusUK (@SciriusUK) March 21, 2019

@reallorraine So the @reallorraine I watch on TV is not the real Lorraine Kelly, but a theatrical artiste! Is she or is she not a colonel, too?

— Ian Gold (@IanGold4) March 21, 2019

I'm thinking about only referring to Lorraine Kelly as "Lorraine Kelly" for the rest of my life.

— Nick Walker (@nickw84) March 21, 2019

I hope when the next actor to play Lorraine Kelly comes in they do a transformation scene like in Doctor Who https://t.co/VvqD32VMmk

— Gavin George (@gavingeorge88) March 21, 2019

Lorraine “Lorraine Kelly” Kelly has big dick energy

— Chris Mandle (@chris_mandle) March 20, 2019

Lorraine Kelly is being played by Meryl Streep in today's @lorraine

— Michael (@KenBoon79) March 21, 2019

Meanwhile, a HMRC spokesman said they were “disappointed” with the ruling, adding: “We will carefully consider the outcome of the tribunal before deciding whether to appeal.”


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