The Do Bits Society is ready to gain some new members in the coming weeks, as a host of fresh contestants descend on Love Island.
As we’ve seen over the previous four series, as relationships start to blossom, it doesn’t usually take long for the newly-formed couples to take things to the next level.
But how are the new bunch feeling about the prospect of getting intimate knowing there’s millions of people – including their families – watching?
When HuffPost flew out to Mallorca to meet them all, this is what they told us about whether they were prepared to sign up for a DBS membership, or if sex on TV was completely off the cards...

“I’d kiss somebody; if it’s any further than that I think it’s private business that should be done in your own time in private, it shouldn’t be publicised to the world, it’s making love and stuff like that, the world shouldn’t see that. It should be private and in your own time. I’ve been brought up with a lot of respect. That aspect of life is all about respect. You don’t just show it and flaunt it to the world.”

“I will not be doing bits! My mam will shoot me, she’ll change all the locks and won’t let me home.”

“I can be mischievous at times but it depends how I’m feeling at the time. My mum’s watching the show, so I better be good!
“I think it’s one of those things that you lose yourself in the moment, but I’ll always have that my mum’s watching in the back of my head.”

“This is such famous last words to say I would never do anything on television, but I have to remember that I have parents, grandparents and a 20-year-old brother who has to go to the pub for the next however many weeks. So I’ll be mindful of that, but you never know who you’re going to meet in there.”

“It would be unnatural for me not to if things were heading in that way. It would be unnatural to stop the natural flow of things.”

“No I don’t think that I would. I am quite stubborn so now that I’ve said that I am going to have to stick to it.”

“Right. So, I’m really going to try not to because of [a kids fitness DVD he had already been working on]. But I’m Italian and I’ve got a lot of hormones in my body… So these things can happen, but I’m going to try not to.”

“I don’t think I would put myself in a position purposely to do something outrageous with a girl on telly, but on top of that even if I did, I don’t think my mum would be that mortified... I don’t think she would be shocked in any way so I think it’s fine in that sense.”

“No! It’s got to wait, I know it’s full-on, if I am feeling.. you know… I will just tell him to go away and say I am going swimming, bye! I will go and do something else.”

“There’s a time and a place, you’re in there a long time and if you have that physical connection with someone then you can’t really put it off. If it feels right in the moment then why not? But to a certain extent you have to keep it under the covers shall we say.”

“If I think about my parents watching, it makes me not want to, so I have to block it out completely. I think that’s the same with everyone really, no one really wants to be kissing guys in front of their parents. So I have to block it out and be myself.”

“I haven’t really thought about it, but I don’t think I will, just because of the way I’ve been brought up and the career I was in [aircraft engineering]. Long-term I’m thinking I still want to go back, and it would be frowned upon in the industry.”
Love Island kicks off on Monday at 9pm on ITV2.