Your phone is running out of battery and it's already midday.
Or maybe you're out and about and you look down to see that you've only got 12 per cent battery left. There's not a charger in sight and there's a queue for the one plug you know about in Starbucks.
If this thought has you breaking out in a sweat then the likelihood is that you're suffering from 'low battery anxiety'.
According to a survey carried out by LG, as many as 9 out of 10 of us suffer from this.
The problem with 'low battery anxiety' is that it's starting to affect how we live and how we interact with each other.

Of the 2,000 people asked in the survey, a massive one in three of us have reportedly gotten into an argument with a significant other over a dead battery.
Millennials in particular are willing to sacrifice a lot more than you might think in order to charge their phones, from the gym to cancelling on a meeting in order to head home and get some precious charging time in.
So how far are we willing to go in order to charge our phones?
- Well the survey lists five key symptoms which suggest that your phone is suffering from terrible battery life:
- Asking a stranger to charge your smartphone.
- Arguing with a significant other over an unanswered call or text.
- Ordering a coffee just so you can use the plug in a cafe.
- Stealing someone else's charger.
- Owning over three smartphone charging cables.

Thankfully, smartphone manufacturers are beginning to see that for many of us, a phone's battery life is more important than many of the 'gimmicky' features which are often used to sell a phone.
The HTC 10 will give you a full day of battery life as a bare minimum, while Sony has long been touting its Xperia phones as having at least two days battery life.
Even Apple has jumped on the bandwagon launching both a battery case and a new software feature called Low Battery Mode in the last 12 months.