Lucy Lawless Expertly Shuts Down Former Xena Co-Star Kevin Sorbo's Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory

She went full "Warrior Princess" on her former co-star.

Kevin Sorbo might need a refresher on Xena’s “rules of survival” after Lucy Lawless made short work of his latest right-wing conspiracy theory.

The US actor – who played Hercules opposite Lucy’s Xena in the 1990s – falsely claimed on Twitter that the deadly attack on the Capitol carried out by supporters of President Donald Trump was actually an “antifa” operation.

He also retweeted a message claiming the attackers were “leftist agitators,” then added his own comment: “They don’t look like patriots to me...”

Lucy soon went into full “Warrior Princess” mode, firing back at Kevin:

No, Peanut. They are not Patriots. They are your flying monkeys,homegrown terrorists, QAnon actors. They are the douchebags that go out and do the evil bidding of people like you who like to wind them up like toys and let them do their worst. #keepingYourFilthyHandsclean #enabler

— Lucy Lawless (@RealLucyLawless) January 7, 2021

Kevin played the title character on Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, which also featured Lucy Lawless as Xena, eventually leading to her landing her own spin-off, Xena: Warrior Princess.

The verbal smackdown caused Lucy’s name to trend on Twitter:

Xena FTW

— Kara Swisher (@karaswisher) January 8, 2021

Oh @RealLucyLawless I always loved you but this...this is fucking gold. #peanutisatraitor

— Richard Marx (@richardmarx) January 8, 2021

Lucy Lawless , as badass as her namesake. Love her forever.

— Timo Tjahjanto (@Timobros) January 8, 2021

Damn, I knew I liked Lucy Lawless.

— Gail Simone (@GailSimone) January 8, 2021

And now we go to Lucy Lawless taking Sorbo down on Twitter

— Chris Vance (@C2Vance) January 8, 2021

Wow, Xena rules

— Amanda Wong (@amandawtwong) January 8, 2021

One of the many, many reasons n I love and adore @RealLucyLawless.

— Steven DeKnight (@stevendeknight) January 8, 2021

Holy shit I am fuckin CRYIN on Lucy Lawless calling Sorbo out on his shit

— ( ❍ᴥ❍) ᶠʳⁱᵉⁿᵈ? (@ArcanaSol) January 8, 2021

Xena must now be referred to as a documentary in my presence. ♥️♥️♥️

— Geraldine (@everywhereist) January 8, 2021

Kevin Sorbo just got his ass handed to him by Lucy Lawless.#TheDreamOfTheNineties

— ✡️🌈👩🌾- Webdev / Author (@ldragoon) January 8, 2021

A Lucy Lawless candle burns brightly on my sweet woman's lair alter. I have made good life choices.

— Roth Cornet (@RothCornet) January 8, 2021

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