Making The Bed Just Got So. Much. Easier.

This Is The Only Guide To Making The Bed You Will Ever Need

With "National Make Your Bed Day" behind us and mornings of making our beds ahead of us, it's about time we took a second to talk about the chore that has an impossibly low favorability ranking for most people. It's the same chore that can actually help you organize your life and set you up for a calmer, more focused day, yet often goes undone due to sheer hatred of the process.

But instead of focusing on why we hate making the bed, let's look at what goes into completing the task and what you can do to make it as easy as possible.

The Pillows

The Sleeping Pillows
Necessity Ranking: 10/10

A bed just wouldn't be a bed without a mattress and some pillows -- but that's all you really need. Find a couple that you find comfortable and make sure they aren't past their prime -- if you fold them in half and they crease without bouncing back, it's time for them to go.

The Shams
Necessity Ranking: 2/10

Let's start with a question: What in the world is a pillow sham? Why do they come in my bag of bedding? Well, shams are basically decorative pillows that are large enough to cover or support your sleeping pillows. They are usually taken off before you get into bed so if you are indifferent to that cohesive, styled bedding look, ditch them to make mornings easier.


The Sheets

The Fitted Sheet (Or Bottom Sheet)
Necessity Ranking: 10/10

While we can all agree that there is nothing worse than folding one of these bad boys, they are the foundation on which the bedding (and you) rest. They offer a protective, comfortable covering for your mattress and don't require any labor on the daily. So while you technically can go without one, we highly recommend against it.

The Flat (Or Top Sheet)
Necessity Ranking: 5/10

According to cleaning expert Jolie Kerr, one of the easiest ways to simplify the process of making the bed is to ditch this layer between the fitted sheet and the blanket. It requires a bit more time and effort than everything else, so unless it's a colder season or crucial to your comfort, you can pass. If you do opt to keep it on the bed, make a hospital corner when you change your sheets so it doesn't slip off the bed and create more work for you.


The Blankets

Duvet With Cover
Necessity Ranking: 6/10

If you know the right way to stuff it, this is definitely the way to go. Designer Nanette Lepore told HuffPost Home, "If people opt for a duvet cover, they can simply swap that come new season. Your style changes constantly, why not your bedroom?" The only drawback? You might need to invest in fasteners to keep the cover on and invest in time for adjusting in the morning.

Necessity Ranking: 7/10

For simplification reasons, we're going to go ahead and give comforters a rating one point higher than duvets. There's no changing, stuffing or adjusting involved and some sort of blanket is essential to a fully-made bed.


The Extras

Quilts And Throws
Necessity Ranking: 4/10

As the temperatures get cooler, one of the easiest (and coziest) ways to prep your home for fall is to change up your textiles. Faux fur throws and knit quilts can add a luxe layer to your bed and provide some much-needed warmth. Keep in mind that they are something you have to fold or fix in the morning and will need to be stored away come spring.

Throw Pillows
Necessity Ranking: 3/10

While some people consider throw pillows frivolous, Lepore reminds us that sometimes, they're worth it. "Every piece in your space should be as unique as the person living there," she says, adding that throw pillows are the perfect place to express your personality. "The more you can add and feel comfortable, the more fun you’ll have." Just remember that they have to go back on the bed in the morning.

Bedskirts (Or Dust Ruffles)
Necessity Ranking: 1/10

Bedskirts require the most labor up front, but the least maintenance after. They can give any bedroom a more complete, adult look but seeing as some beds, such as platform, day and most upholstered models don't even need them, they rank low on our necessity scale.


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