Manchester City Football Club Opens Sensory Viewing Room For Fans With Autism

"Sat trying to hold back tears...the possibility of taking my son to a match is incredible!"
Manchester City

Manchester City football club has unveiled a new sensory room at the Etihad Stadium for fans with sensory processing issues like autism.

The room, which is accessible to families during matches, is intended to help all fans come to the ground - even if they struggle with crowds or loud noises.

The space was specially designed with these concerns in mind and includes a full, unrestricted view of the pitch, as well as a quiet space, seating away from the pitch and a separate, dark room with sensory toys.

The club says it is a safe and controlled environment to watch the game and it hopes the room will make it easier for parents to bring children who are otherwise unable to watch the match in person - part of the club’s goal to make football more inclusive for all fans.

We are proud to announce the opening of a sensory room at the Etihad Stadium.

"Opening this space is a big step for us to continue our long-standing mission of ensuring football is inclusive for all" ⚽️

🔵 #ManCity

— Manchester City (@ManCity) October 14, 2019

The space will be officially opened at the home game against Aston Villa on 26 October and will be in use throughout the season on match days. It’ll also be used during non-match day sessions with City in the Community – the club’s programme to create opportunities for local people using football.

Families who are eligible to use the space will also be able to visit the room before attending a game to assess its suitability to their requirements.

“After a period of successful trials we are delighted to open a sensory room,” said Danny Wilson, operations director at Manchester City.

“The positive feedback we received means we know that this is a space which will help those with sensory processing issues enjoy their experience without the sometimes-overwhelming sounds, sights and crowds of a usual match day.”

The room was built in conjunction with feedback from local families who need the service to attend matches.

Parents have responded to the announcement, saying it will make the world of difference to them and their families. One on Twitter said: “Sat trying to hold back tears on the train home from work here. The possibility of finally taking my son to a match is incredible. What a club!”

Sat trying to hold back tears on the train home from work here. The possibility of finally taking my son to a match is incredible. What a club!

— Alex (@HardyMCFC1) October 14, 2019

Another said it was “amazing news” and she hopes to bring her autistic son to games in the future.

Amazing news!!! We can hopefully all now come as a family to watch games as my autistic son struggles with sensory issues and often hasn't coped at games he has managed to attend. Thank you 💙

— Amanda C (@amandaclayton07) October 14, 2019

Adults with autism also said they loved seeing football being made more inclusive.

I support liverpool I was born with autism so I can appreciate how good a move this is well played ! 👏

— Iain Taylor (@Tailso4) October 14, 2019

Other parents said they wished their clubs would follow suit.

Fantastic, wish more clubs would do this. I think Southampton have one, that's my sons team... He's autistic and I take him to Edgar street regularly, we virtually have a stand to ourselves.
Hope you and your son have a great time

— Board beyond belief (@iza303) October 14, 2019

Great’s my dream to take my daughter to Bramall Lane but it’s doubtful

— steve watts (@dewsburyblade) October 14, 2019

Manchester City say fans who want to find out more about the sensory room should call 0161 444 1894 (option 1, option 2, option 2) to speak to a member of the Access Team.
