Marianne Williamson's Bonkers Debate Performance Lights Up Twitter

The author vowed to defeat Donald Trump with love.

She may not be getting much traction in the polls, but Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson lit up Twitter for her wild performance at Thursday night’s debate.

From her unusual Mid-Atlantic speaking pattern to her even more unusual answers ― including a plan to beat President Donald Trump with “love” and an odd shoutout to New Zealand ― users on the social network weren’t quite sure what to make of her.

But they were fascinated just the same, with her name trending big during and after the debate:

Marianne Williamson is doing an incredible job for someone who is obviously digesting an edible on television

— Pablo S. Torre (@PabloTorre) June 28, 2019

Marianne is the winner tonight by a very wide stretch. She is doing psychic warfare with Trump.

— skooks (@skooks) June 28, 2019

I think Marianne Williamson is actually Moira Rose

— Emily C. Singer (@CahnEmily) June 28, 2019

Not to be dramatic but I would die for Marianne Williamson

— Melanie Schmitz (@MelsLien) June 28, 2019

Preview of Democratic Nominee Marianne Williamson interviewing running mates. #DemDebate2

— Charlie O'Donnell (@ceonyc) June 28, 2019

In 1979, Marianne Williamson ran a combination metaphysical bookstore and coffeeshop.

Then things got weird.

— Dave Pell (@davepell) June 28, 2019

Marianne Williamson shot J.R.

— Steve Colmus (@Sjasincolmus) June 28, 2019

Marianne Williamson is like if shrooming were a person.

— The Sassiest Semite (@LittleMissLizz) June 28, 2019

marianne williamson was put on this earth solely as a role for tina fey to take on

— katelyn (@noitskatelyn) June 28, 2019

Marianne Williamson for Minister of Magic

— Sarah (@sarah_in_ny) June 28, 2019

Marianne Williamson is camp.

— Calvin (@calvinstowell) June 28, 2019

Marianne Williamson has chaotic recurring Frasier character energy

— alex (@alex_abads) June 28, 2019

I want to hear more from Marianne Williamson, such as the exact location of her planet. #DemocraticDebate

— Bob Phillips (@BobTheSuit) June 28, 2019

Me giving Marianne Williamson my crystal energies to defeat Trump. #DemDebate2

— Leon Langford (@MasonLLL) June 28, 2019

Marianne Williamson did not make a closing statement. She cast a left hand path spell of binding on national television

— Cruel Angel's Comprehensive Exams (@andraydomise) June 28, 2019

LRT: Marianne Williamson gave me Lord Summerisle vibes personally

— Hel Waffles (@hellionpatrol) June 28, 2019

Marianne Williamson’s accent is Moira from Schitt’s Creek. You’re welcome.

— Meredith Shiner (@meredithshiner) June 28, 2019

Marianne Williamson after every answer during the debate.

— Joe Weaver (@j_weavernv) June 28, 2019

Kamala Harris: Joe Biden is a racist.

Joe Biden: Kamala is police.

Marianne Williamson: The fifth Harry Potter book is really the glue that holds the entire series together. Do you recall the part where #DemDebate

— William (@weelyumeebokway) June 28, 2019

Marianne Williamson is the only candidate proposing to beat Trump using the Care Bear Stare! #DemDebate

— RogueRachael (@RogueRachael) June 28, 2019

Some give Marianne Williamson a soap opera #DemDabate

— tonya farting (@shookshack) June 28, 2019

Marianne Williamson is what would happen if Liza Minnelli ran for President #DemocratDebates

— Sophie Ragir (@sophieragir) June 28, 2019

Marianne Williamson

— мαsིε ωɨйɖμ (@_yo_mo) June 28, 2019

Would we call Marianne Williamson’s accent mid-Atlantic/great gatsbyesque? #DemocraticDebate2

— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) June 28, 2019

leaked photo of Marianne Williamson’s debate prep

— JuanPa (@jpbrammer) June 28, 2019

Marianne Williamson is the hippie aunt that I never had

— peeled grapes and cold spaghetti (@Johnny8Fingers) June 28, 2019

Marianne Williamson is Moira Rose. Change my mind. #DemDebate

— Kerri Fagan (@fagankerri) June 28, 2019

Mixing some ayahuasca with oat milk & glaring at a map of New Zealand in honor of Marianne Williamson.

— Kashana (@kashanacauley) June 28, 2019

Me whenever Marianne Williamson spoke #Demdebate2

— Carson Jones (@DemsInDisarray) June 28, 2019

I didn’t watch the debate tonight, can someone send me a roundup of Marianne Williamson’s best moments and no please don’t just send me clips of Lily Tomlin’s character on Grace & Frankie

— Selena (@selenalarson) June 28, 2019

Marianne Williamson, “I’m going to call New Zealand.”
New Zealand:

— Tom Matzzie (@tommatzzie) June 28, 2019

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