17 Tweets About 'Tidying Up With Marie Kondo' From Hilarious Parents

Decluttering a house full of kids' stuff can be rough.
Netflix's "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo" has taken the world by storm.
Gary Gershoff via Getty Images
Netflix's "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo" has taken the world by storm.

Since “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” hit Netflix earlier this month, many people – including a handful of funny parents – have sounded off on what “tidying up” looks like for them.

On the show, organisation expert Kondo helps families clean up their homes, get rid of clutter and arrange the belongings they choose to keep in a more effective way. Her methods, which are also featured in her best-selling book ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organising’, include having people ask themselves if an item “sparks joy” and saying “thank you” to items they give away.

The show has inspired several larger conversations, including about the Japanese roots of Kondo’s work and how viewers from different backgrounds feel about the series. Some have said they find the expert’s purging techniques incredibly helpful. And naturally, many people have turned to humour to describe what it’s like to go through old things and attempt to have a more organised life.

Of course, the hilarious parents of Twitter have a few things to say about the series, too. From learning how difficult it is to clean up a home with a toddler around to trying to convince their partner that their stuff really does spark joy, here are their funny thoughts:

I tried the Marie Kondo method for decluttering my home and got rid of anything that didn’t spark joy. I feel really good about it but my husband and kids are ruining the moment by trying to get back inside the house.

— Amanda (@Pandamoanimum) January 18, 2019

Marie Kondō’s method really has been magical. I’m ridding my home of anything that doesn’t “spark joy.”
So far I’m down one washing machine, one vacuum, and a husband.

— Ms. Havisham (@MissHavisham) January 17, 2019

Marie Kondo’s tidying philosophy is literally the exact opposite of my kids’.

— The Dad (@thedad) January 17, 2019

Hugged my toddler + said thank you then considered donating him since he did not bring me joy last night. Am I taking this #MarieKondo thing too far?

— Bottles + Bellinis (@BottlesBellinis) January 15, 2019

does Marie Kondo do toddler consultations? literally everything brings him joy. an empty vinegar bottle is now an essential part of bathtime

— Adrienne Porter Felt (@__apf__) January 19, 2019

Me: This tidying up thing is a pretty good trend.

Also me: Oh, look, it’s the dollar bin at Target. I’m sure there’s something here the kids will love.

— John Spencer (@spencerideas) January 12, 2019

Just had a big argument w my teenager. According to @MarieKondo and #TidyingUp, I should now hold her, ask if she still brings me joy, and, if the answer is no, get rid of her. Hmmm

— funnydadinc (@funnydadinc) January 19, 2019

So if my kid's toys don't spark joy when I trip over them, that means I can throw them out without thanking them, right? #mariekondo

— Gail McInnes (@gailmcinnes) January 17, 2019

Marie Kondo: Do these spark joy?

Me: They do not

Marie Kondo: Then they must go

Me: Bye kids

— The Dadvocate (@thedadvocate01) January 10, 2019

Does the whole Marie Kondo philosophy of “if when you hold it and it doesn’t bring you joy, throw it out” apply to your kids who are screaming at you because you told them to get off the PlayStation? #AskingForAFriend

— Ben Shute (@Ben_Shute) January 6, 2019

Marie Kondo: Does this bring you joy?

Kid: *grabbing piece of literal garbage* I’M SAVING IT FOR A CRAFT

— Life at Tiffany’s (@lifeattiffanys) January 18, 2019

Friend who just discovered KonMari: “You only keep the things that spark joy.”

Me: *using a literal snow shovel to get my kids’ toys back in the toybox* Uh huh.

— MyMomologue (@MyMomologue) January 21, 2019

[my wife going all marie kondo on my stuff to make more room for her stuff]

— mark (@TheCatWhisprer) January 16, 2019

*Watching Tidying Up*
Marie Kondo: "The 1st step is to put all your clothes in a pile."
My kids: "We're way ahead of you."

— EdFox, Secret Chimp (@edfoxcomedy) January 21, 2019

Me: Since we are snowed in, I’m gonna Marie Kondo the hell outta this house.
Husband the hoarder: I do not like the sound of that. (Holds on to his lacrosse helmet from 1990 with 2 hands)

— Domestic Goddess (@DomesticGoddss) January 19, 2019

I'm waiting for Marie Kondo to write a book for me: The Life-Changing Magic of Having Someone Tidy Up FOR You

— Housewife of Hell (@HousewifeOfHell) January 17, 2019

Watched that Marie Kondo show and now I have to decide how much joy an old melon baller brings me and most of my clothes are being thrown away.

— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) January 7, 2019