Some Of Marjorie Taylor Greene's Dumbest Climate Remarks Are Going Viral Again

The Georgia lawmaker's resurfaced comments about the ice age had critics melting down.

Astounding comments Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) made in April disputing the cause of climate change went viral again on Tuesday.

“People are not affecting climate change,” Greene says in a video shared Tuesday on X (formerly Twitter) that has been viewed over 5.3 million times. “You’re going to tell me that back in the ice age, how much taxes did people pay, and how many changes did governments make to melt the ice? The climate is going to continue to change.”

Greene made the remarks at a House committee meeting in April while criticizing U.S. funding to mitigate the climate crisis.

Marjorie Taylor Greene: “You’re going to tell me that back in the Ice Age, how much taxes did people pay, and how many changes did governments make to melt the ice?” (@acyn)

— No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen (@NoLieWithBTC) September 5, 2023

The extremist Republican and conspiracy theorist has made similar climate denial remarks on several occasions.

In March 2021, she wondered, “How much taxes and how much money did the people back in the ice age spend to warm up the Earth?”

She then offered up her analysis that the “climate just changes.”

In June of last year, she suggested global warming is “actually healthy for us” because people can stay warm and grow food.

It’s widely accepted science that climate change is being caused by rising carbon and greenhouse gas emissions, driven by human industrialization. According to NASA, 97% of scientists agree on the cause.

The warming of the Earth is driving increasingly frequent extreme weather events and shifting temperature extremes.

The last ice age ended about 11,700 years ago.

Social media users thought Greene’s comments ex-stinked:

This woman is the very definition of a goofball.

— Stephen King (@StephenKing) September 5, 2023

REMINDER: She is in control of the GOP Congress.

— Jesse Ferguson (@JesseFFerguson) September 6, 2023

Should we institute a minimum IQ situation for holding public office

— Laura Bassett (@LEBassett) September 5, 2023

During the Ice Age everyone's assets were frozen

— Dr. Sarah Parcak (@indyfromspace) September 5, 2023

back then there was polarization, as it were

— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) September 5, 2023

The level of stupid sitting in the law making body is astronomical

— colorfullstory (@colorfullstory) September 5, 2023

Just to clarify; is she advocating for a return to the stone or ice age? True; no taxes ….

Is this the Moron Age now?

— Richard Williamson (@rcwmsn) September 5, 2023

Our pillows have a higher IQ than MTG

— One Fresh Pillow (@OneFreshPillow) September 5, 2023

It's truly hard to fathom how anyone could be this stupid without trying.

— Khashoggi’s Ghost 🇺🇦🌻 (@UROCKlive1) September 5, 2023

the people in charge of this country, y’all.

— danisha carter (@danishacarterr) September 6, 2023

Elect clowns, expect circuses.

— Michael Little (@Michael_Little_) September 5, 2023

Climate change is a serious, scientific issue. We deserve — and our children deserve — a serious, science-literate majority in Congress.

— Their Future. Our Vote. (@Their__Future) September 5, 2023

Witness a complete dumbass. Her brand of dumb HURTS.

We’re ALL less intelligent whenever this troglodyte speaks. Brain cells just atrophying at the sound of her grating voice. #Sheesh!

— yvette nicole brown (@YNB) September 6, 2023

Dear Residents of Georgia's 14th District,

Please reconsider your vote in the next Congressional election. Or barring that, please justify the vote you cast for this.
Thank you.

The Human Race

— FabianNicieza (@FabianNicieza) September 5, 2023

This might be the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

— Brett Pransky (@BrettPransky) September 5, 2023

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