Mayonnaise-Flavoured Ice Cream Is The Dairy Product Nobody Ever Asked For

Someone call the ice cream police 🆘😱

As if the soaring mercury, extreme sweating and month’s-worth of dehydration isn’t enough, now ice cream has been ruined... maybe forever.

A parlour in Scotland has created the most uncalled for product ever: mayonnaise ice cream.

Kyle Gentleman, the owner of Ice Falkirk, told Today the dessert is a “full on hit of fat and cream followed with an eggy milky aftertaste”. Mmm.

One scoop will cost £2.

HuffPost UK

Needless to say, we have questions - and lots of them. First up, what the hell do you eat it with? Chips? Fish fingers? A cone? Maybe it’ll help cool down a sarnie.

A post shared by ICE (@ice_falkirk) on

The new breed of ice cream is so controversial that even people across the pond are talking about it, with Houston Police Officers’ Union calling for “the immediate seizure and destruction of all Mayo themed ice cream”. Slightly dramatic, but OK.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are calling for the immediate seizure and destruction of all Mayo themed ice cream! This injustice cannot stand! #gross🤮 #JustBecauseYouCanDoesntMeanYouShould

— HPOU (@HPOUTX) July 25, 2018

The general consensus on Twitter is far from positive.

if i eat ice cream and it taste like mayo everybody dying.

— lady legasus (@_ayoosamm) July 27, 2018

Stop making Mayo flavored ice cream. Thanks.

— Lara Lunardi (@LaraLunardi) July 26, 2018

But some people are into it.

not the week to go Vegan..
Ice cream
Mmmmmm. #Mayo #Icecream

— The Cool Name (@Drewisacoolname) July 26, 2018

We’ll stick with vanilla, thanks very much.
