If You Find Meditation Difficult, Don't Worry, It's Still Working

And breathe...

Meditation can help you free the mind and feel more relaxed, but that doesn't mean practising it is always easy.

According to the Wotchit video above, you shouldn't panic if you're finding it hard to focus when you meditate.

In fact, many teachers say it is the act of deciding to meditate, rather than the act of meditation itself, that is the most beneficial to our health and wellbeing.

The video references an article in the Guardian by David Ferguson, who admits he used to find it "easier to do things like dishes, laundry and exercising than to schedule time to do nothing".

But Ferguson has managed to embrace the difficulty of meditation and in doing so, has learned to enjoy it.

"Part of successfully meditating for me has been letting go of the need to get it right," he says.

So find a quiet space, get comfy and give yourself a break.

Before You Go
