'Mad Men' Is Still Trolling Us With The Megan Draper As Sharon Tate Theory

'Mad Men' Is Still Trolling Us With The Megan Draper As Sharon Tate Theory

"Mad Men" Season 6 was a festival of conspiracy theories, the most prominent of which was the idea that Megan Draper is following Sharon Tate's narrative path to death. Although Matthew Weiner, Jessica Pare and Jon Hamm have all dismissed that idea, there have been so many connections to Tate's story that it's starting to feel like a running joke (or proof that she is Sharon and going to die).

In Sunday night's "Field Trip," Megan spoke to Don on a bright green phone, "just like Sharon Tate used to own," as Emily Nussbaum noted. Of course, that bright green phone is coupled with her current living arrangements, which Don likened to "Dracula's castle" -- another ham-fisted eerie coincidence, considering Tate was murdered in Benedict Canyon.

Bright green phone, just like Sharon Tate used to own. #trolling

— Emily Nussbaum (@emilynussbaum) April 28, 2014

Throughout Season 6, the comparisons began with fashion as early as the premiere photos, but became especially prevalent when that red star t-shirt popped up. In this most recent premiere, Don flips on "The Joey Bishop Show," bringing the observation that Bishop was also in "Valley of the Dolls" with Tate.

As Season 7 toils onward, surely there will be additional clues. Heck, maybe Megan will spend the entirety of Episode 4, just wearing a plastic Sharon Tate mask. For now, all we can do is revel in the show's ability to sustain the pillars of a host of conspiracy theories (while continuing to be convinced that Megan is definitely going to die).


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