Photos Show Destruction After Powerful Earthquake Rattles Mexico

Another quake less than two weeks ago killed 100 people in the country.
TOPSHOT - Rescuers, firefighters, policemen, soldiers and volunteers remove rubble and debris from a flattened building in search of survivors after a powerful quake in Mexico City on September 19, 2017.A devastating quake in Mexico on Tuesday killed more than 100 people, according to official tallies, with a preliminary 30 deaths recorded in the capital where rescue efforts were still going on. / AFP PHOTO / YURI CORTEZ (Photo credit should read YURI CORTEZ/AFP/Getty Images)
TOPSHOT - Rescuers, firefighters, policemen, soldiers and volunteers remove rubble and debris from a flattened building in search of survivors after a powerful quake in Mexico City on September 19, 2017.A devastating quake in Mexico on Tuesday killed more than 100 people, according to official tallies, with a preliminary 30 deaths recorded in the capital where rescue efforts were still going on. / AFP PHOTO / YURI CORTEZ (Photo credit should read YURI CORTEZ/AFP/Getty Images)
YURI CORTEZ via Getty Images

A 7.1 magnitude earthquake shook the central Mexican state of Puebla on Tuesday afternoon, less than two weeks after another powerful quake in the country killed at least 217 people.

Dramatic video footage featured on Mexican television showed downed power lines, and buildings collapsing into the streets. At least 20 children were killed and dozens more were missing after a primary school was destroyed.

The disaster struck exactly 32 years after a devastating 8.0 magnitude earthquake killed as many as 10,000 people in the Mexico City area. It came just hours after Mexicans across the country took part in earthquake drills to mark the anniversary, according to Reuters.

The following photos show some of the destruction caused by Tuesday’s quake. Read more here.


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