Michael Gove's Harvey Weinstein Joke Called 'Appalling' As Minister Apologises For 'Clumsy' Humour

'Don't trivialise sexual assault'.

Michael Gove has been criticised for joking about the sex abuse and harassment allegations against Harvey Weinstein during a radio appearance.

The minister and former journalist appeared on the 60th anniversary special edition of The Today Programme on Saturday and said submitting to interview by host John Humphrys was “like going into Harvey Weinstein’s bedroom - just pray you emerge with your dignity intact.”

Former Labour leader Neil Kinnock, who appeared alongside Gove, joked: “John goes way beyond groping.”

Interviewing the pair during the broadcast in front of an audience at Wigmore Hall in London, Humphrys was asking the politicians whether The Today Programme was too harsh on them.

“The broader point is you can make a fool of yourself,” Gove added after his joke, which was interrupted by audience laughter.

The audience laughed but Guardian media editor Graham Ruddick reported others “set blank-faced or with a look of disgust”.

While there was laughter in Today audience after Michael Gove's comment, others around me sat blank-faced or with a look of disgust

— Graham Ruddick (@GrahamtRuddick) October 28, 2017

Weinstein, who has been a powerful film producer in Hollywood for decades, has been accused of harassment, assault or rape by more than 30 women. He insists all of the encounters were consensual.

Sex harassment allegations spread to other industries, including journalism and politics.

It has been reported that four MPs, including a minister, have been caught up in allegations of sexual misconduct at Westminster.

Gove quickly said he “apologised unreservedly”, tweeting it was a “clumsy attempt at humour”.

Apologies for my clumsy attempt at humour on R4 Today this morning -it wasn't appropriate. I'm sorry and apologise unreservedly

— Michael Gove (@michaelgove) October 28, 2017
Michael Gove told host John Humphrys that being interviewed by him was like going into a bedroom with Harvey Weinstein
Michael Gove told host John Humphrys that being interviewed by him was like going into a bedroom with Harvey Weinstein
PA Wire/PA Images

Immediately after Gove’s comment aired on Saturday morning, people tweeted to condemn it.

Lib Dem deputy leader Jo Swinson accused him of trivialising sexual assault.

No, @michaelgove it's not like that. I have never once feared for my personal safety in a media studio. Don't trivialise sexual assault. https://t.co/8neWSdnWJZ

— Jo Swinson (@joswinson) October 28, 2017

Labour MP Jess Phillips said: “Michael Gove just left the studio without his dignity.”

Michael Gove just left the studio without his dignity

— Jess Phillips (@jessphillips) October 28, 2017

Anna Soubry said the joke “insulted victims of rape”.

It insulted victims of rape & other sexual assaults & perpetuated pathetic notion that these crimes are not to be taken seriously https://t.co/BvxQchp88h

— Anna Soubry MP (@Anna_Soubry) October 28, 2017

Journalist Hadley Freeman attacked him for “kicking off the weekend with a rape joke”.

That’s @michaelgove, that is. Kicking off the weekend with a rape joke. It’s funny, because it’s laughing at rape victims! https://t.co/76ll4jiUbj

— Hadley Freeman (@HadleyFreeman) October 28, 2017

Back to joke school for Michael Gove, I'm afraid. Hard lines https://t.co/dnjC7FXbU7

— Marina Hyde (@MarinaHyde) October 28, 2017

Law lecturer Paul Bernal said: “There are no words for how appalling he is.”

MIchael Gove. There are no words for how appalling he is. https://t.co/2UyXEXcnF5

— Paul Bernal (@PaulbernalUK) October 28, 2017

One Tweeter suggested Gove’s jokes were being written by gaffe-prone Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson.

It is with a heavy heart that I must announce that Boris Johnson is writing Michael Gove's "jokes". https://t.co/p2gafmG5EZ

— hrtbps (@hrtbps) October 28, 2017

Playwright Lucy Prebble said jokes like Gove’s were “half-conscious attempts to break consensus and make women look humourless”.

I think jokes like this aren’t just misjudged twat detritus, but half-conscious attempts to break consensus and make women look humourless. https://t.co/IrVTrbelRu

— Lucy Prebble (@lucyprebblish) October 28, 2017

The timing of the joke, which coincided with a headline in The Guardian that MPs are failing to take sexual harassment claims seriously, was not lost on anyone.

Just going to leave this here. pic.twitter.com/60AQuEzQ9R

— Media Diversified (@WritersofColour) October 28, 2017

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