Michelle Obama's Birthday Invitation Really Got Everyone Bent Out Of Shape (VIDEO)

Michelle Obama Perplexes The Internet With Four Little Words

The proper protocol for an invitation involves letting your guest know what to expect -- especially when it comes to food. (We've all been to that party where you think you'll be getting a meal, but instead must subsist off cocktail olives.) So it's only natural that Michelle Obama wanted guests to know that dinner would not be served at her 50th birthday party. But instead of adding "light refreshments" or "cocktails and hors d'oeuvres" to the invitation, she went with a very straight forward note to "eat before you come" -- EBYC, for short.

While some are already calling this the party planning fail of 2014, is it really so bad to spell it out for guests? Watch the discussion above, from HuffPostLive.
