17 Micropoems To Give Your Soul A Lift In No Time

Take a Twitter poetry break in honor of National Poetry Day!
Hakan Jansson via Getty Images

Poetry, unlike most forms of writing, isn't typically defined by its length. Sure, there are haikus and epics, but the essential joy of poetry -- its celebration of the beauty of language -- has no minimum word count.

Which makes it perfect for a mid-afternoon, soul-nourishing break. It also, incidentally, makes it perfect for Twitter and other space-constrained mediums, like Instagram. While writers have experimented with Twitter fiction, micropoetry on Twitter -- #micropoetry -- has truly taken off. Check out the hashtag and you'll find a fairly constant stream of small, self-contained works of word art.

For the U.K.'s National Poetry Day (you can also see the celebration on Twitter), we've compiled some poems from Twitter that will make you stop and appreciate the beauty of life a bit more -- even if you only have a few moments to take a break from the daily grind. If you want to see more moments of poetic inspiration on a particularly prosaic day, you can always find more by searching #micropoetry.

Happiness arrives Like a beautiful red box Soon to be opened #micropoetry #haiku

— exst (@dharmabum29) September 27, 2015

Even the wind Has more color In the autumn. http://t.co/g4sPkICgbt by DavidS #micropoetry #mpy #vss #3lines #writing #autumn

— Micropoetry Society (@pssms) October 7, 2015

river carrying the sky to the sea #3lines #micropoetry

— Yuliya (@joy_pops) October 8, 2015

what springs to mind in autumn walking the corner park full of pigeons and chestnut shells #5lines #micropoetry

— Davey (@haikutauren) October 7, 2015

autumn still dancing with summer sunlight and the scent of roses linger in my hair #micropoetry

— mae (@lamerfleurie) September 27, 2015

And we hug Your cheek looks for mine Your fingers round my neck My son, my daughter #micropoetry #poem pic.twitter.com/HiTDzuD6LJ

— Coach Bill MA SpEd (@CoachBill007) September 27, 2015

#haiku #amwriting My cat sits around Like a king, purring away While I work all day

— odetoapoet (@odetoapoet) October 3, 2015

My virtue has always been negotiable #sixwordpoem #micropoetry

— Stevie G (@I_BE_NUMBER_SIX) September 27, 2015

Can you feel the sun beating down against your skin? Can you feel my heart? #haiku

— Nicole (@WordsUnderStars) October 7, 2015

teetering on the catbird seat doberman jaws below #wotd #micropoetry #eightwords

— Michael Seese (@MSeeseTweets) September 29, 2015

camping trip-- sea and stars were waiting #haiku #micropoetry

— Rob Cairns (@robbiepoet) September 27, 2015

I am not my gender stereotype All lipstick and sweetness I am a grizzly bear, Strong, gruff and direct. Scary, until I'm not. #micropoetry

— nunya (@rzrbldmilkshake) September 27, 2015

falling leaves Summer puzzle pieces unwinding #haiku #micropoetry

— OldeHippi (@OldeHippi) September 26, 2015

At the end of my rope, I untied the knots holding me tight & l e n g t h e n e d my life. #micropoetry #poetry

— Ancient Eavesdropper (@TylerPedersen83) October 8, 2015

breakup - rain clouds escort me all the way home #haiku #micropoetry

— arvinder kaur (@arvinder8) September 27, 2015

Throwing my thoughts out the window While you backseat drive Looking in my eyes through the rear view #micropoetry

— Dr. Mania (@PrettyLttleLion) September 28, 2015

Bubbles roll sweetly clicking over honeyed tongues kisses at teatime (honeybush) #botaiku #haiku #micropoetry

— Susan Purr (@SusanPurr) September 28, 2015

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