Millennials Aren't Having All The Fun

Millennials Aren't Having All The Fun

Spending more time abroad. More confident than before. Happier than ever.

This could easily be mistaken for a description of a gap-year student or a courageous millennial. Recently, however, Stannah has shed light on the fact that this paints a more apt picture of a 65 year-old living in the UK.

As a nation we are sometimes guilty of seeing retirement, or 'reaching a certain age,' as a time to enjoy more leisurely pursuits such as gardening and walking - rather than embarking upon new adventures.

This perception is increasingly being challenged, however, and over 65s across the UK seem to be enjoying a renaissance of sorts. Not only have older generations expressed their eagerness to travel and see the world, they are also - as our research shows - enjoying all this during the happiest period of their lives.

Stannah's latest Silver Census revealed that 22% of over 65s identified their latter years as the happiest time of their lives. Just 4%, however, cited below 20 as the age when they were at their most content.

We are mistakenly tuned to class our 'roaring twenties' as the headiest decade, but the older generation is dismissing this misconception and emerging more confident and active than ever - and we should all encourage this.

Whether it's experiencing foreign climes, spending more time with friends and family, or simply taking up a new hobby, the over 65s have endless opportunities to enjoy life. Being time-rich is perhaps the key to this happiness. It offers the chance to learn a new skill, join a new group in your community, or simply to spend more time with friends or grandchildren - putting the spotlight on your twilight years in a whole new way.

These less stressful years also provide much-needed time to focus more on what really matters to you - and get some things crossed off your bucket list!

Perhaps unsurprisingly, travel plays a big role in the older generation's contented state. The gift of time once you reach 65 is certainly something to make the most of - especially when it means reaching a country you never thought you would visit! Australia tops our list of countries that British over 65s are most keen to visit - showing how adventurous and energetic retirees are feeling.

At a time when our world has never been more digital, it is easy to overlook the fact that the older generations who may be less likely to share images of their travels online are no less ambitious in their activities!

We should all be proud to champion the older generations who are living proof that the happiest part of life is not over at 65. The latter stages of life are full of opportunity if you are keen to seize them - and I am thrilled to see that more and more people seem to be making the most of life after work. Whether this stems from travel, confidence or simply having more time, over 65s are certainly not over the hill.
