Public 4-Year Colleges With The Highest Tuition: Dept Of Education 2012 List

The Most Expensive 4-Year Public Colleges

Students at Penn State pay the highest tuition bill in the country among four-year public colleges according to data released Tuesday by the U.S. Department of Education.

The average tuition cost rose 15 percent between 2008 and 2010, which in large part was driven by cuts in appropriations.

“We are seeing some alarming trends,” Education Secretary Arne Duncan said in a Tuesday conference call. “Deep budget cuts are unfortunately helping to drive up the cost of college.”

The department's "College Affordability and Transparency Center" website details which colleges have the highest and lowest tuition. The website includes the new data released this week and can be sorted by the either tuition price or net cost to attend.

Take a look at the public four-year colleges with the highest tuition sticker price, but remember that the price does not include room, board or fees.


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