These Are The Most-Searched Pies In Each State

In honor of Pi Day, the folks at Google broke down Americans' pie preferences.

Pie tends to elicit a number of strong opinions. Whether they’re extolling the virtues of cream pies over fruit-based offerings or engaging in the classic cake vs. pie debate, countless people have demonstrated the divisive nature of this delectable dessert.

It turns out the way you feel about pie may also come down to geography. In honor of Pi Day on March 14 ― which has come to be associated with the edible treat as much as the mathematical constant ― the folks at Google Trends shared the most-searched pies in every state from March 2022 to March 2023.

Google Trends

Lending credence to the phrase “as American as apple pie,” the most-searched variety of pie in the highest number of states (and in the U.S. overall) was apple, which took the top spot in 27 states. Next was pumpkin pie, which was the most-searched in 14 states, mostly concentrated out west.

Sweet potato pie dominated a stretch of the Deep South as the winner in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina, while pecan pie defeated all others in Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma. The only real outliers were peanut butter pie in Kentucky and chess pie in Tennessee.

The folks at Google Trends also released maps breaking down the most-searched cream pies, berry pies and savory pies.

Google Trends
Google Trends
Google Trends

“When you take in so much data to create these maps, there’s always something so rewarding about finding the similarities between us,” Jenny Lee, lead data analyst at Google Trends, told HuffPost. “I hope people take that away, how similar we are. Everyone is searching for pie across the United States, from coast to coast, but I think it’s really interesting to me that a section of the U.S. searches for strawberry pie more than blueberry pie and that the U.S. is split in half on search interest around banana and coconut cream pies.”

Of course, banana cream pie and chicken pot pie are classics, but if you’re feeling inspired to think outside the traditional favorites this Pi Day, the tech company’s data drop also included the top trending pie recipes in the U.S. over the past month.

Trending Pie Recipes

  1. Butter pie

  2. Macaroni pie

  3. Pizza pie

  4. Oatmeal pie

  5. Beef pot pie

  6. No bake peanut butter pie

  7. Steak and ale pie

  8. Butterscotch pie

  9. Rhubarb pie

  10. Chocolate mousse pie

Needless to say, we’re craving some of that filled flaky pastry goodness right about now.
