This Mother’s Day, you’ll probably want to see your mum even more than usual. For those of us fortunate enough to have grandparents around, the day is often a chance to get three, sometimes four, generations together.
With coronavirus dominating every conversation, and the UK entering stricter social distancing measures, it’s understandable that many of us want to squeeze in an extra visit, in case the country goes into total lockdown.
But as the virus continues to spread, is travelling home to spend time with your loved ones really the best idea?
On Monday evening, prime minister Boris Johnson said the British public should stop “non-essential contact with others” and warned against visiting pubs, clubs, cinemas and theatres. This is especially the case for those based in London, where the epidemic is thought to be a couple of weeks ahead in terms of spread.
The prime minister said that by the weekend, which coincides with Mother’s Day, groups particularly vulnerable to Covid-19 – people over 70, pregnant women and those with health conditions – will be asked to stay at home for 12 weeks to “ensure this period of shielding, this period of maximum protection coincides with the peak of the disease”.
The British public is also being advised against “unnecessary travel”, which is likely to impact travelling home to see your mum, as well as attending mass gatherings.
If you’re feeling healthy and your mum is close by, making a visit home this Sunday may provide a boost to wellbeing and help stave off loneliness. However, experts suggest we should implement strict social-distancing measures right away to limit the spread – even if you don’t have symptoms.
We know that when it comes to protecting family, many would rather be cautious – especially considering those over 70, with underlying health conditions and pregnant women are considered most at risk.
So marking Mother’s Day this year could mean making a few adjustments for everyone’s peace of mind.

Why not have a virtual Mother’s Day and spend time chatting over a group video call? With stricter social-distancing measures due to come into place, now’s a good time to make sure relatives know how to utilise technology to stay connected.
Planning a Skype visit is particularly important if you usually visit parents or grandparents in care homes on Mother’s Day, as residential care workers have been instructed to encourage virtual visits.
Going virtual doesn’t mean your mum has to miss out on a Mother’s Day gift, there’s still plenty of time to purchase an online delivery, from flowers to a gift subscription. Sending a good book or puzzle their way could also be hugely appreciated in the coming weeks.
Do you usually go out for a meal with your family on Mother’s Day? It’s time to get creative – try a mass family meal over Skype. Perhaps you could order the same takeaway, too.
To limit the impact this has on local restaurants, ask them if they offer gift vouchers. Purchasing an IOU as a Mother’s Day gift is the perfect way to look forward to brighter times and do your bit to help local businesses.
Of course, the situation is rapidly changing so ahead of Sunday, keep an eye on the official government advice on coronavirus, and read the latest news from HuffPost UK.
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