How Mowing The Lawn Can Boost Your Mood, Help You Live Longer (INFOGRAPHIC)

How Mowing The Lawn Can Help You Live Longer

That stretch of grass beyond your front (and back) door can derail your Saturday plans if you're the one who has to maintain it. But if you're the one who counts "mowing the lawn" on your weekly list of chores, there's good news -- the scent of freshly mowed grass can boost your mood, relax you and help you live longer.

This factoid was revealed on online retailer eReplacementPart's infographic on lawn maintenance. Though fall usually signals the end of this chore, you might be surprised at just how much time you've spent this year just keeping the grass green (four hours a week, on average). Check out the infographic below for more surprising stats.

lawn mowing

If you're more about indoor greenery, check out this round-up of the best houseplants.

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