MP Anna Soubry Protected By Police During 'Abuse' From Brexit Protesters Near Parliament

"No excuse for this type of intimidation & thuggery".
Anna Soubry was accosted by Brexit protestors outside parliament on Wednesday.
Anna Soubry was accosted by Brexit protestors outside parliament on Wednesday.
Simon Dawson / Reuters

An MP was protected by police after being confronted by “abusive” Brexit protesters near parliament.

Anna Soubry, a vocal supporter for Britain to remain in the European Union, was accosted by the activists in Westminster on Wednesday.

In a video posted on social media, Soubry is seen being subjected to shouts of “traitor” as at least two men wearing hi-vis vests, in a nod to the gilet jaunes movement, hurl abuse.

“Traitors like you were told what the people felt,” one man shouted towards the MP. “You are a traitor to this country, you are on the side of Adolf Hitler,” a man, who appeared to be filming the footage, said.

Two police officers intervened and escorted the MP as she walked down the street, though the shouts continued.

I know I'm going on about this, but I'm confused and disturbed at the fact this kind of behaviour continues to be tolerated.

It's exactly the kind of menace and rhetoric that ended with the death of a sitting MP.

— Mike Stuchbery💀🍷 (@MikeStuchbery_) December 19, 2018

Soubry said later that some of those involved in the altercation “undermine British democracy”.

“This is what we have unleashed - bigotry, hate, racism & brutal nationalism,” she added in a tweet. “Time to heal and remember the overwhelming majority of British people are decent, kind and tolerant.”

She added: “This group of thugs targeted a number of people outside Parliament today including journalists going about their work. They also blocked gates. They undermine British democracy.”

Thank YOU! Some of them were open in their support for Hitler - all of them abusive. This is what we have unleashed - bigotry, hate, racism & brutal nationalism. Time to heal and remember the overwhelming majority of British people are decent, kind and tolerant.

— Anna Soubry MP (@Anna_Soubry) December 19, 2018

A Twitter account linked to a person believed to be involved in the incident carried abuse directed at Soubry and a journalist who said they witnessed the event.

Daily Mirror associate editor Kevin Maguire said he saw a “threatening mob of angry Brexit snarling blokes… screaming abuse at the BBC’s” Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg.

Labour MP Diana Johnson said the altercation was “truly awful”.

“[W]hatever your view on Brexit there is absolutely no excuse for this type of intimidation & thuggery,” Johnson wrote on Twitter.

This is truly awful & whatever your view on Brexit there is absolutely no excuse for this type of intimidation & thuggery. Calling an MP a “traitor” for holding a different view is unacceptable.This is dangerous & needs to be called out & stopped. Solidarity with @Anna_Soubry

— Diana Johnson (@DianaJohnsonMP) December 19, 2018

A number of protestors supporting both sides of the Brexit debate have been situated near Westminster’s Abingdon Street Gardens, which has served as a base for international media since Theresa May secured her Withdrawal Agreement last month.

Scotland Yard said it had not received any formal reports of an incident.


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