Mum Shocked To Receive Note From Daughter's Nursery About 'Unacceptable' Snack In Her Lunchbox

'The food packed for your child today is unacceptable.'

A mum was shocked when she received a note home from school about the “high sugar” snack she had put in her daughter’s lunchbox.

The mum, from Australia, had put sultanas in the packed lunch but was told by the nursery that it was “unacceptable”.

She shared the note on Facebook with the caption, according to Kidspot: “This must be a joke? Of course they are high in sugar they are fruit.”

The note has since been shared on various Facebook pages with parents debating about whether they agree with the messaging.

”Please help us to encourage nutritious eating habits in children,” the note read. “Our healthy eating policy asks you to provide healthy and nutritious snacks for your child to eat at kindergarten.

“Acceptable items include: Fresh, dried or tinned fruit/vegetables, vegetables dips, cheese, crackers/dry biscuits, yoghurt, fruit bread, muffins and sandwiches with healthy fillings.

“The sultanas packed for your child today are unacceptable due to their high sugar content. Regards, the staff team.”

Some parents commenting on the Facebook post agreed that it wasn’t a healthy snack.

“Dried fruit is dehydrated so all the sugar concentrates,” one mum wrote. “That’s why they’ve sent this note home. Sultanas aren’t actually good for you.

“I think there’s worse foods parents put in their kids’ lunches or the other side where some have no lunch at all.”

However another mum disagreed, writing: “So no fruit can be put in lunchboxes because it has high sugar? That’s a joke.”

Another wrote: “I don’t think any kindergarten or school has any right to send notes like these home. Some kids will only eat certain stuff during the day and eat healthy at home.

“These people are stepping over boundaries they have no right to.”

This isn’t the first time the internet has seen a note sent home to a parent questioning the food in their child’s lunchbox.

In February 2017, a mum was shamed for putting a chocolate slice in her daughter’s lunchbox and asked to put in “healthier options”.

What do you think? Are there different ways nurseries could alert parents about the food? Let us know in the comments and vote in our poll below.
