'Muslim-Free' Gun Store Sells Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton And Bernie Sanders Shooting Targets

Store claims the targets are an "extreme example" of First Amendment rights.
Screenshot shows targets of President Barack Obama (center) and Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders (left) and Hillary Clinton (right).
Screenshot shows targets of President Barack Obama (center) and Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders (left) and Hillary Clinton (right).
Florida Gun Supply

A Florida gun store that made headlines last year when it declared itself a "Muslim-free zone" is now selling shooting targets that depict President Barack Obama as well as Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Florida Gun Supply in Inverness, about 75 miles north of Tampa, has the targets for sale for $4.99, a discount from the usual $9.99 price.

The targets were also on display in a recent YouTube video posted by the store's owner, Andy Hallinan:

The Clinton and Obama targets may have been previously available, but the Sanders target is a new addition since April when Hallinan posted a video apologizing because "I didn't show my new Bernie Sanders target sooner."

He also launched a website called BernieTargets.com to sell the items.

"These targets are designed to be nothing more than extreme examples of the 1st amendment," the company wrote on its Facebook page. "This art is not to incite violence -- but rather to inspire ALL of America to gain a better understanding of how strong our 1st amendment rights are -- even if they are unpopular."

Hallinan is known for his store's attention-getting stunts. In addition to declaring the store to be a Muslim-free zone, he also sold prints of Confederate flag paintings made by George Zimmerman, who shot and killed Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager, in 2012.

(h/t Raw Story)


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