Nadine Dorries And Kirstie Allsopp Clash Over Channel 4 Privatisation: 'Lady T Will Be Spinning In Her Grave'

The Location Location Location star said any Tory who votes for the sell off is a "traitor to their party and country".
(L-R) Nadine Dorries and Kirstie Allsopp
(L-R) Nadine Dorries and Kirstie Allsopp

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries has clashed with TV presenter Kirstie Allsopp over the privatisation of Channel 4, saying the broadcaster’s “salad days are in the past”.

The pair exchanged messages on Twitter after an opinion piece by the MP was published in the Mail on Sunday.

In the article, Dorries addresses the government’s decision to push ahead with plans to sell off the channel.

She wrote that former Conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher, who set up Channel 4 in 1982, had ultimately wanted it to be “free from the constraints of the state” and described opposition to the move as “lazy, overwrought and ill-informed rhetoric from the Leftie luvvie lynch mob”.

Kirstie, who presents property show Location, Location, Location on Channel 4, responded on Twitter, questioning whether it was “really ministerial” to describe those contesting privatisation as a “lynch mob” while “at the same time complaining about having been accused of fascism”.

Sharing an article about the US Senate passing an anti-lynching Bill, she added: “This piece might make you think twice about using the term.”

Dear @NadineDorries is it really ministerial to describe those against the sale of @channel4 as a “lynch mob”, while at the same time complaining about having been accused of fascism? This piece might make you think twice about using the term.

— Kirstie Allsopp (@KirstieMAllsopp) April 10, 2022

The government confirmed last week that it will proceed with plans to privatise Channel 4, which has been publicly owned since it was founded in 1982 and is funded by advertising.

Kirstie responded to the announcement by tweeting that “no true Conservative would sell Channel 4” and that “Lady T will be spinning in her grave”.

This is a load of utter twaddle! No true Conservative would sell Channel 4, Lady T will be spinning in her grave. C4 was set up to foster the British film & TV industry and it has done that job admirably. Any Tory MP who votes for this is a traitor to their party & country.

— Kirstie Allsopp (@KirstieMAllsopp) April 4, 2022

Replying to her posts on Sunday night, Dorries suggested Margaret Thatcher’s memoirs, The Downing Street Years, proved she intended Channel 4 to be sold.

She also said Channel 4 could not be preserved in its current state because of “decreasing advertising revenue and decreasing investment in new content”.

1. Kirsty, I’ve been made aware of your tweets and would like to respond.
‘Mrs Thatcher would be spinning in her grave.’
It is very clear in Mrs Thatchers memoirs, ‘The Downing Street Years,’ that she very much wanted to sell C4 in 1988.

— Nadine Dorries (@NadineDorries) April 10, 2022

2 ‘C4 should be preserved as it is’ - with decreasing advertising revenue and decreasing investment in new content, that is not possible.
‘at least to let it change as it wants, not as the Gov dictates’ - The Government own C4. This fact appears to be lost in the outrage.

— Nadine Dorries (@NadineDorries) April 10, 2022

3. If C4 were ever unable to repay borrowings or liabilities, the burden would fall on the taxpayer, presenting the Gov with limited options. We have chosen an option to allow C4 to do exactly as you wish, thrive.

— Nadine Dorries (@NadineDorries) April 10, 2022

4. There is of course the bonus a sale will bring to the entire sector which is that the proceeds of sale will be invested back into people from all backgrounds, especially those from left behind communities because talent is everywhere, not just in the SE.

— Nadine Dorries (@NadineDorries) April 10, 2022

5. We will invest in skills in order to benefit from incoming demand
due to our booming film and TV sector due to the favourable tax benefit/relief and funding this gov has put in place to encourage film industry to regard Britain as its home.

— Nadine Dorries (@NadineDorries) April 10, 2022

6. I also love C4, especially Location Location, but as I say in my article, it’s time to look to the future.The channels salad days are in the past. Being owned by the Gov is restrictive. Time for C4 to fly the nest towards a very exciting future.

— Nadine Dorries (@NadineDorries) April 10, 2022

The Tory MP added: “There is of course the bonus a sale will bring to the entire sector which is that the proceeds of sale will be invested back into people from all backgrounds, especially those from left-behind communities because talent is everywhere, not just in the SE.

“We will invest in skills in order to benefit from incoming demand due to our booming film and TV sector due to the favourable tax benefit/relief and funding this gov has put in place to encourage film industry to regard Britain as its home.

“I also love C4, especially Location Location, but as I say in my article, it’s time to look to the future. The channel’s salad days are in the past. Being owned by the Gov is restrictive. Time for C4 to fly the nest towards a very exciting future.”

Dorries also apologised to the presenter after spelling her name incorrectly.

She said: “Apologies, I know your name is spelt Kirstie, @KirstieMAllsopp. My autocorrect disagreed, I should have double checked!”

Plans for the sale will reportedly be set out in a White Paper later this month and will be included in a new Media Bill for next spring.

A string of Tory MPs and peers, including Sir Peter Bottomley, former Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson, chairman of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) committee Julian Knight, and former cabinet ministers Damian Green and Jeremy Hunt have publicly questioned the plans.

Sir Peter, who represents Worthing West, said he opposes the sale “because I am a Conservative”.


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