Nadine Dorries Calls James O'Brien A 'Public School F**k Wit' For Attending Same School As Her Daughters

A 'glorious self own'.

An MP has branded broadcaster James O’Brien a “public school fuck wit”, despite the fact he attended the same school as her daughters.

The LBC host, who occasionally presents BBC Newsnight and regularly argues with Leave voters who phone in to his show, apparently blocked the pro-Brexit Nadine Dorries, Tory MP for Mid Bedfordshire, on Twitter.

Nadine Dorries and James O'Brien
Nadine Dorries and James O'Brien
Press Association

Dorries, who is perhaps best known for going on I’m A Celebrity while sitting as an MP, was unhappy about being blocked, tweeting:

Well @mrjamesob the journalist has blocked me. Is that how supposedly impartial journalists operate at @LBC by blocking MPs? 🤔

— Nadine Dorries (@NadineDorriesMP) March 30, 2017

She then said he blocked her mainly because he was a “public school posh boy fuck wit”.

To be fair, I think the fact that @mrjamesob is a public school posh boy fuck wit, has more to do with it than his being a journo

— Nadine Dorries (@NadineDorriesMP) March 30, 2017

O’Brien pointed out he attended Ampleforth College in Yorkshire, where her daughter also went.

This woman is an MP. I went to Ampleforth College. So did her daughter.

— James O'Brien (@mrjamesob) March 30, 2017

This prompted Dorries to correct him.

Two of my daughters, actually. I hope the school is proud of their achievements and their unfailing good manners.

— Nadine Dorries (@NadineDorriesMP) March 30, 2017

But the fact O’Brien incorrectly suggested only one of her daughters went to Ampleforth was not what made an impression, with people enjoying her “glorious self own”.

I know accusations of hypocrisy slide off the right like shit off a shovel but this is a glorious self-own from Nadine Dorries MP

— Rob Manuel (@robmanuel) March 30, 2017

...and wondering whether calling someone a “fuck wit” was conduct we should expect from an MP.

@mrjamesob Presumably this is the @NadineDorriesMP interpretation of Mrs May's call for unity and togetherness.

— The Secret Barrister (@BarristerSecret) March 30, 2017

@mrjamesob Her choice of words alone demeans the high position to which she has been elected.

— Neil Harman (@Neil_Harman57) March 30, 2017

...and questioning her spelling.

@mrjamesob That's truly shocking. Everyone knows fuckwit is one word.

— Ian Hyland (@HylandIan) March 30, 2017

HuffPost UK was reminded of the Question Time show in 2015 when Tory MP and Old Etonian Jacob Rees-Mogg was burned for his elite schooling by David Dimbleby.

But Rees-Mogg won the exchange, reminding the host his own son attended Eton at the same time.


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