Rep. Nancy Mace Claims Democrats Trust Jim Jordan, But Jake Tapper Is Not Convinced

The CNN anchor asked the South Carolina congresswoman to name one Democrat in Congress who supports Jordan, but she refused to show receipts.

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) is supporting Rep. Jim Jordan (R.-Ohio) to be the next House speaker, but a comment about who else supports the controversial congressman made CNN’s Jake Tapper very skeptical on Thursday.

Tapper was interviewing Mace about the battle for the position and asked who besides Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) could get the 217 votes needed to win the speaker position.

Mace then mentioned Jordan, who she said “was not out of the mix,” and claimed his appeal went beyond party lines.

“I’ve actually talked with Democrats who trust him at his word, and I don’t think that’s out of the realm of possibility,” she said.

Considering Jordan allegedly played a key role in Trump’s plot to overturn the 2020 election, Tapper wanted to make sure he heard Mace correctly.

“Jim Jordan?” he said in a slighty incredulous tone.

“Yes,” Mace said. “I’ve talked to Democrats over the last week on who do they trust, even though they wouldn’t agree with him on many issues.”

Tapper interrupted, even more surprised at what Mace was saying: “Jim Jordan from Ohio?”

“Oh, yes, the Jim Jordan from Ohio,” Mace said, laughing slightly at Tapper’s reaction.

“Democrats in Congress?” he said, disbelievingly.

“Yes,” Mace insisted. “They can work with him.”

Tapper was not convinced and asked her to name “one Democrat from Congress who trusts him.”

Mace wasn’t willing to bring receipts.

“I’m not going to name people off the record,” she said. “They trust [Jordan] more than they trust the former speaker [Kevin McCarthy] in my private conversations with Democrats. I will say that.”

As you can see at the end of the video below, Tapper looked at her with a lot of uncertainty.

This needs to stop. Yes, I understand that Nancy Mace is telegenic, but reporters need to stop bringing her on television. She’s just ridiculous. She’s not a serious lawmaker. She’s a performance artist.

— Russell Drew (@RussOnPolitics) October 11, 2023

Tapper wasn’t the only person who doubted Mace’s claim that Jordan was actually secretly trusted by Democratic politicians, even though he has been publicly criticized by Democratic members of Congress for his actions and inactions on the job.

In fact, former Republican congressman Joe Walsh had two sharp words for Mace after her Jordan comments: “She’s lying.”

She’s lying.

— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) October 11, 2023

Others followed suit.

Going on tv just making up 💩 … I’m so sorry Charleston.

For the nation just need y’all to do better in 2024!

— Jaime Harrison (@harrisonjaime) October 11, 2023

blah blah blah Fetterman dress code blah blah blah

— George Conway (@gtconway3d) October 11, 2023

This woman is an absolute liar!

— Debby Williams 🍁🍂👻🎃 (@dwilliams1210) October 11, 2023

Fact check: not a single Democrat trusts an assistant coach who covered up a decade of sexual abuse

— Ryan DH (@TheAmazingRyGuy) October 11, 2023

Of course they are all off-the-record. And her boyfriend lives in Canada.

— zennie (@zennie_fic) October 11, 2023

Did not realize CNN was turning into a comedy channel

— Caitlin Legacki 🤦🏼♀️ (@caitleg) October 11, 2023

This needs to stop. Yes, I understand that Nancy Mace is telegenic, but reporters need to stop bringing her on television. She’s just ridiculous. She’s not a serious lawmaker. She’s a performance artist.

— Russell Drew (@RussOnPolitics) October 11, 2023

Mace’s support of Jordan may have been made without having all the facts about him at her disposal.

On Sunday, she admitted on “Face The Nation” of being unaware of the allegations made by ex-Ohio State University wrestlers that Jordan did nothing to stop the sexual abuse by a team doctor when he was an assistant wrestling coach at the school.


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