There are certain artists in this world that are as talented if not more talented than some of the biggest selling household names in music - we each have our favourites and a list that we could reel off on demand. The reasons that they might not have achieved that level of global domination is always subjective, but is by no means in part to an inferior product. Contributing factors might be simple miscommunication and other marketing failures, whether it is through their own admission, an immense lack of mainstream press support because the artist wasn't willing to succumb to ludicrous PR stunts, instead choosing to remain true to their art, or finally because they were a victim of career/radio-play sabotage (whether you choose to believe the latter or not is your prerogative).
Which leads me to question, is this now the only way to sell records and garner mass appeal? Is humanity and consumerism that fickle? Does tabloid press dictate genuine artistry? Does one need to take such drastic measures in fear that their product might not live up to that of another?
If you're still reading this, my hope is that you appreciate art in all forms, which means that the onus is on you to make the concerted effort to support someone who is creating something that you justifiably love, and ensure that you become their hero and help fight for their art.
This means taking a step out of the present and going back to a time where you weren't able to download and album in high quality illegally online and reflect on why you should spend that eight dollars/pounds on a record that you genuinely believe in and feel that the world can believe in collectively.
My rationale for writing this post is because a popstar and human that I admire greatly has just released her sophomore album 'Trouble', and where you might choose to write this off because she is a friend of mine, I want you to take 15 minutes to either listen to the previews on iTunes and understand that Natalia Kills has poured 27 years of struggle, emotion and pain into what can easily be classed as the most chronologically cohesive album of 2013 where she far outshines many of her contemporaries.
'Trouble' deserves this visibility and radio play, so if you believe in it and in her, share it, tell friends about it, call into radio stations to request it and most of all, buy it to give her this moment and the opportunity to share more with you.
Or...go and do it for an artist that YOU love and respect.