NHS Rally: Thousands March Through London As Jeremy Corbyn Addresses Crowds At Whitehall

It's the health service's 70th anniversary this year.
Thousands of people marched through London to mark the 70th anniversary of the NHS.
Thousands of people marched through London to mark the 70th anniversary of the NHS.
PA Wire/PA Images

Thousands of people marched through central London on Saturday to mark the 70th anniversary of the National Health Service (NHS), with Jeremy Corbyn calling on crowds to “go to the end of the earth and beyond” to defend it.

Demonstrators arrived in Whitehall on Saturday afternoon to call for more funding for the NHS, with protesters carrying banners which read “NHS SOS” and “standing together for the NHS”.

As they approached Parliament, politicians, union leaders and TV stars addressed the rally.

Lively atmosphere today at the #OurNHS70 march which is now heading towards Downing Street to send a loud message to the Governmentpic.twitter.com/5t5VWCZrmz

— The Pileus (@thepileus) June 30, 2018

Corbyn told the crowd: “We’re here today on this amazing 70th birthday, here in Whitehall, yes to celebrate, but do we have the absolute determination that we will go to the end of the earth and beyond to defend our national health service?”.

The now-familiar “Oh Jeremy Corbyn” chant was sung as he finished his speech to thunderous applause, the Press Association reports.

Corbyn also appealed to the Government, saying: “In the name of equality, in the name of justice, pay the social care needs that are necessary so people can live with dignity.”

People march in central London to mark the 70th anniversary of the NHS.
People march in central London to mark the 70th anniversary of the NHS.
PA Wire/PA Images

He said: “It is a symbol of an uncaring and cruel and divided society that so many go through mental health stress, so many go through it alone, and so many, sadly, take their own lives.

“I want to live in a society where we have a health service worthy of the name paid for by all of us, for all of us. It’s called socialism.

“I want to see the same principles applied in education and in housing,” he said, forced to pause as cheers erupted.

As we celebrate our NHS's 70th birthday, thousands have come to Downing Street to remind @Theresa_May that we will always fight for healthcare as a right for all, not a privilege for those who can afford it. #OurNHS #NHS70 pic.twitter.com/Ji0GLh0rVe

— Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) June 30, 2018

Crowds then clamoured around the Labour leader for handshakes and selfies, calling out “we love you Jeremy” as he made his way into the Houses of Parliament.

Earlier, chants including “shame on you Tories” and “hey, ho, Jeremy Hunt has got to go”, rang out as the march paused outside Downing Street in the afternoon sunshine.

Organisers of the rally have said the Government’s recently announced funding boost was “simply not good enough”.

A giant NHS birthday cake with a 'for sale' sign in it was one of the hundreds of banners and placards at the rally.
A giant NHS birthday cake with a 'for sale' sign in it was one of the hundreds of banners and placards at the rally.
PA Wire/PA Images

The Government said that under the initiative by 2023-24, the NHS budget will increase by more than £20 billion a year in real terms compared to today, which is approximately £600 million a week in cash terms, and £384 million a week in real terms.

A placard decorated with balloons read: “Happy 70th birthday NHS, here’s to another 70 years.”

Cheers of “yes” filled the streets as crowds were asked if they were born in the NHS, had been a patient in the NHS and wanted the NHS to be around in 70 years’ time.

Demonstrators at the Our NHS rally in central London.
Demonstrators at the Our NHS rally in central London.
PA Wire/PA Images

Valerie Bossman-Quarshie, a Labour activist and volunteer, said she wanted to give the NHS a “really good cheer” as she held a birthday card aloft to be signed by passing demonstrators.

One of her babies was delivered at St Thomas’ Hospital when her waters broke on the bus, and she has also received counselling after losing twins at nine weeks.

The Londoner said: “Everyone has come up to me saying ‘that’s a nice poster, is it a card?’, and taking pictures and saying ‘Oh I didn’t know it was their birthday’, because everyone thinks it’s just a march, but it’s actually a celebration so we need to get behind it and really trumpet big.”

“They’ve been there for me when I was sick and I just want to be there for them,” she added.

People march in central London to mark the 70th anniversary of the NHS.
People march in central London to mark the 70th anniversary of the NHS.
PA Wire/PA Images

Saturday’s protest was organised by groups including the People’s Assembly and unions.

A Department of Health and Social Care spokesman said: “As part of our long-term plan for the NHS we will increase funding by an average 3.4% per year – meaning that by 2023/24 it will receive £20.5 billion a year more than it currently does.”


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