Nice Attack Victims Commemorated By BBC Proms With Playing Of La Marseillaise

'A wonderful and incredibly moving gesture.'

The First Night of the Proms began with a moving tribute to those who lost their lives in the Nice truck attack.

The BBC Symphony Orchestra was originally billed to play Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet overture to open Proms season, the broadcaster reported.

But following the horrific attack on the French city of Nice, which saw at least 84 killed and 202 injured, there was a change of plan.

As a mark of respect to the victims of the Nice tragedy, the @BBCSO opened the 2016 @BBCProms with La Marseillaise

— BBC Proms Team (@bbcproms) July 15, 2016

Instead of Romeo and Juliet, the orchestra played La Marseillaise, the French national anthem.

Many audience members stood in remembrance as the tune was played and responded with rapturous applause at its conclusion.

Proms director David Pickard told the BBC that the decision was taken on Friday morning to change the opening number to the anthem.

The attack took place as crowds gathered along the Promenade des Anglais to celebrate Bastille Day.

La Marseillaise is often sung on Bastille Day, which commemorates the storming of the Bastille prison on July 14, 1789, by revolutionaries.

Many people praised the decision to play the anthem...

Emotional & proper tribute to Nice victims as proms opens with rousing rendition La Marseillaise. Well done England

— Joe Flaherty (@joefla) July 15, 2016

Aww, nice touch opening First Night of the #Proms with the French National Anthem. 🇫🇷 Thoughts are with them all in #NiceFrance

— Paul Carmichael (@PaulCarmichaelV) July 15, 2016

@bbcproms nice touch to start the proms with the Marseilles 🇫🇷

— isabella bridges (@isab3llabridges) July 15, 2016

A classy move playing the La Marseillaise on the first night of #BBCProms #nice

— Jeinsen Lam (@JeinsenLam) July 16, 2016

The lovely Proms tribute to the victims of the Nice attack

— Rebecca Front (@RebeccaFront) July 16, 2016

@bbcproms That was a wonderful & incredibly moving gesture. (@BBCSO on dazzling form tonight btw)

— Fiona Laird (@fionalaird) July 15, 2016

Music can be a beautiful expression of solidarity. @BBCSO playing La Marseillaise for the people of Nice @BBCProms;

— Jason Kenney (@jkenney) July 16, 2016

A touching and fitting start to the BBC Proms as we remember our friends in Nice.

— Gareth Moore (@gmantheorganman) July 15, 2016

The self-proclaimed Islamic State terror group has claimed responsibility for the attack on Thursday evening and a number of people have been arrested.

The group’s Amaq news outlet said that the attack had been carried out by a “soldier of IS”, according to reports.


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