Nicola Sturgeon Gets Rockstar Welcome At SNP Conference – But Denies Overshadowing Humza Yousaf

Scotland's former first minister was mobbed by reporters and supporters at the party's annual gathering.
Former leader Nicola Sturgeon arrives at the SNP annual conference at the Event Complex Aberdeen (TECA) in Aberdeen.
Former leader Nicola Sturgeon arrives at the SNP annual conference at the Event Complex Aberdeen (TECA) in Aberdeen.
Andrew Milligan - PA Images via Getty Images

Nicola Sturgeon has denied she has overshadowed Humza Yousaf at the SNP conference despite receiving a rockstar welcome in Aberdeen.

Yousaf succeeded Sturgeon as Scotland’s first minister and leader of the nationalist party in March, and is fronting the party’s annual gathering for the first time.

Arriving at The Event Complex Aberdeen on Monday, Sturgeon was mobbed by supporters and reporters, and the politician later fought back tears as the party showed a tribute video to her eight years at the helm.

When asked by a journalist if her arrival at conference was overshadowing Yousaf, she said: “Not at all.

“I’ve been watching from afar. This is a very different conference experience for me than the ones I’ve been used to.

“I think Humza is doing a fantastic job as leader of the party and as girst minister. I don’t think there is any doubt from what I’ve seen who is in charge.”

Somewhere in there is Nicola Sturgeon not at all overshadowing Humza Yousaf at this conference.

— kathryn samson (@KathrynSamsonC4) October 16, 2023

Nicola Sturgeon denies her presence at SNP conference risks upstaging Humza Yousaf. There is no doubt about who's in charge of the party, she says.

— Andrew Learmonth (@andrewlearmonth) October 16, 2023

Media waiting for Nicola Sturgeon to definitely not upstage Humza Yousaf at SNP conference

— Tom Gordon (@HTScotPol) October 16, 2023

Rapturous reception for former FM Nicola Sturgeon who’s just arrived at SNP conference

Some quite overwhelmed members in tears when she hands out hugs after a quick word with the press

— Georgia Roberts (@GeorgiaZemoreyR) October 16, 2023

In June, Sturgeon was released without charge by police after being questioned as part of their investigation into the SNP’s finances.

Sturgeon’s husband, former SNP chief executive Peter Murrell, had previously been arrested as part of the probe into the whereabouts of £660,000 donated to the party for a second independence referendum campaign.

Asked how he felt about his predecessor attending the conference, Humza Yousaf told journalists: “I’m delighted. She’s a member and has every right to be here. Conference will really look forward to seeing her.”

He added: “She’s a member. She led the party for so long. She’s going to get a lot of love. Members are going to be excited to see her.”

He added: “I look really forward to seeing her.”

Yousef has faced a series of challenges since taking the top job, and has changed policy on what the circumstances would need to be to trigger another independence referendum.


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