Nigel Farage Hit By Milkshake During Brexit Party Campaign Event In Newcastle

He was whisked away shortly afterwards.

Nigel Farage has had a milkshake thrown at him during a walkabout in Newcastle city centre.

The Brexit Party leader was led away by security as a person was dragged from the scene by a Police Community Support Officer.

Shortly after the incident, a Twitter account named @themadbrewery tweeted: “I fucking did it, it was Farage, I can’t believe it.”

Brexit Party leader Nigel after being hit with a milkshake while arriving for a Brexit Party campaign event in Newcastle
Brexit Party leader Nigel after being hit with a milkshake while arriving for a Brexit Party campaign event in Newcastle
Scott Heppell / Reuters

A few minutes before, he had tweeted: “I’d got my milkshake and coincidentally there’s a Brexit Party march….”

Paul Crowther, 32, from Throckley, Newcastle, said it was a £5.25 Five Guys banana and salted caramel milkshake.

He said: “I didn’t know he was in town, I thought this is my only chance.

“It’s a right of protest against people like him.

“The bile and the racism he spouts out in this country is far more damaging than a bit of milkshake to his front.”

Chaotic scenes in Newcastle city centre as Nigel Farage hit by a milkshake. He’s been whisked away by his security. This is the aftermath.

— Sean Seddon (@seddonnews) May 20, 2019

I’d got my milkshake and coincidentally there’s a Brexit Party march....

— The Mad Brewer (@themadbrewery) May 20, 2019

Standing in handcuffs outside the nearby Waterstones bookshop, Crowther said he did not regret his actions.

He denied an allegation someone was cut, saying he only threw liquid on the politician. Of the loss of his drink, Crowther ruefully said: “I was quite looking forward to it, but I think it went on a better purpose.”

The Brexit Party leader looked deeply unimpressed following the incident. Shortly afterwards, he could be heard exclaiming “how did you not stop that?” and “it’s a failure” as his staff ushered him away from the scene and into a taxi.

A 32-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of common assault, Northumbria Police said.

Farage later said he would press charges against the arrested man.

BREAKING Nigel Farage has now made a statement to Northumbria Police and told them that he will press charges for assault against the man who threw milkshake over him.

— Christopher Hope (@christopherhope) May 20, 2019

While many took to social media to mock Farage, others condemned the attack. Former Liberal Democrats leader Tim Farron tweeted: “I’m not laughing along... Violence and intimidation are wrong no matter who they’re aimed at. On top of that, it just makes the man a martyr, it’s playing into his hands.

I’m not laughing along with the attack on Farage. Violence and intimidation are wrong no matter who they’re aimed at. On top of that, it just makes the man a martyr, it’s playing into his hands.

— Tim Farron (@timfarron) May 20, 2019

There are people who think that throwing things (eggs, milkshakes etc) at people they don’t like or don’t agree with is 👍 but at people they do like or do agree with is 👎

That’s called hypocrisy.

How debating rather than assaulting political opponents?

— James Cleverly MP (@JamesCleverly) May 20, 2019

Braintree MP James Cleverly tweeted: “How about debating rather than assaulting political opponents?”

Meanwhile, a spokesman for Downing Street said: “The Prime Minister supports efforts to stamp out unacceptable and unlawful behaviour and where incidents of harassment and abuse constitutes a criminal offence it should be taken seriously by the police.

“The Prime Minister has been clear that politicians should be able to go about their work and campaign without harassment, intimidation or abuse. In this case, an arrest has already been made so I can’t comment further.

As for himself, Farage had this to say:

Sadly some remainers have become radicalised, to the extent that normal campaigning is becoming impossible.

For a civilised democracy to work you need the losers consent, politicians not accepting the referendum result have led us to this.

— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) May 20, 2019

The order was made following a spate of dairy-based incidents involving right-wing politicians.

Printed signs saying: “We will not be selling milkshakes or ice creams tonight. This is due to a police request given recent events” were displayed on the windows and inside the fast food restaurant.

Nigel Farage hit by a milkshake in Newcastle city centre. He’s furious. Telling his security “it’s a failure” and “how did that happen”. He’s just been whisked away in a car. Full story on soon.

— Sean Seddon (@seddonnews) May 20, 2019

Nigel Farage spouting shite 10 metres in front of a milkshake shop is tempting fate slightly

— 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐲 (@walkerdanny) May 20, 2019

Far-right figure Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, known as Tommy Robinson, and Ukip candidate Carl Benjamin have had food and drinks thrown at them during the European election campaign.

Former English Defence League leader Yaxley-Lennon was drenched by milkshakes twice in two days as he campaigned in the north-west of England.

The video of Tommy Robinson getting milkshaked in Bury. So. Good.

— Henry Langston (@Henry_Langston) May 2, 2019

Ukipper Carl Benjamin gets the milkshake he so richly deserves🥤

— dave M ❄️ 🥕 (@davemacladd) May 19, 2019

Benjamin – who is currently being investigated by police about what he said were jokey rape comments made towards MP Jess Phillips – was at a public meeting in Cornwall when a protester tried to throw a drink over him.

After the police’s intervention in Edinburgh, Burger King’s UK Twitter account posted: “Dear people of Scotland. We’re selling milkshakes all weekend. Have fun. Love BK #justsaying”


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