Nigel Farage's Criticism Of Archbishop Of Canterbury Justin Welby Has Not Gone Down Well

'Props to the Archbishop.'

Nigel Farage has faced a backlash from people from a range both of faith and non-faith backgrounds after criticising the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The former Ukip leader branded Justin Welby’s Christmas message “negative” in a tweet sent on Christmas day.

Merry Christmas. Ignore all negative messages from the Archbishop of Canterbury and have a great day!

— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) December 25, 2016

In his Christmas sermon, Welby spoke of finding hope in a “different kind of world, one less predictable and certain, which feels more awash with fear and division”.

He spoke of problems facing the world and called on Christians to “do what we can do, with our resources, in our time, at the age and with the capacity we have”, to try to help.

Welby also tweeted:

Jesus came to us homeless and in a manger. This Christmas please pray with me for the poor, hungry and homeless, here and abroad.

— Justin Welby ن (@JustinWelby) December 25, 2016

It seems that Farage’s comments incensed many, even those who said they were atheists or held different beliefs to Christians...

I'm a convinced radical atheist but @JustinWelby beats @Nigel_Farage hands down in every possible conceivable way.

— Nicholas Whithorn (@NickWhithorn) December 25, 2016

@MissLauraMarcus #NigelFarage really is the most odious man. #JustinWelby is lovely. And I'm not even a Christian! Props to the Archbishop.

— 🎄Laura Marcus🎄 (@MissLauraMarcus) December 25, 2016

I'm not a Christian, but the words of @JustinWelby are of warmth of spirit towards those less fortunate. Unlike the revolting @Nigel_Farage

— Camden Badger (@Camdenbadger) December 25, 2016

@Telegraph @TelegraphNews I'm an atheist but I'd take anything Welby said over Farage facist dogma anyday

— Audere2010 (@Audere2010) December 25, 2016

What a useless self-obsessed tosspot @Nigel_Farage is. I may be an atheist but I'm with @JustinWelby on this one.

— GreenDragonReprised (@boycottbgbizsoc) December 25, 2016

Many others also got stuck in, tweeting their support for Welby...

To my mind @JustinWelby if you're disliked by Nigel Farage you're probably doing something right, keep speaking up and speaking out

— Kate Bottley (@revkatebottley) December 25, 2016

Custodian of the faith Nigel Farage accuses amateur theologian Justin Welby of unnecessarily Christian message on Christmas Day. #Christmas

— Robb Sutherland (@changingworship) December 26, 2016

I'll say this for @Nigel_Farage he got me to read all of @JustinWelby, The Archbishop of Canterbury's Christmas Sermon. It was great.

— Richard Dalton (@richardadalton) December 26, 2016

Christianity's message of compassion for all fellow humans is a bit of a downer, says Nigel Farage.

— Helen Lewis (@helenlewis) December 25, 2016

I can see how @JustinWelby upset Nigel Farage. How dare he care for people's welfare like that... and at Christmas! #HappyHolidays

— Vic Goddard (@vicgoddard) December 25, 2016

Jesus was a refugee, living amongst the poor & outcasts. He preached a message of love & justice. I'm with @JustinWelby, not @Nigel_Farage.

— Ross Greer (@Ross_Greer) December 25, 2016

ABoC @JustinWelby has incurred wrath of @Nigel_Farage by suggesting people be nice to each other in uncertain times

— Ben Barker (@dbrb2) December 25, 2016

This isn’t the first time Welby has attracted the ire of Farage.

In September, the MEP accused the Archbishop of not being prepared to “stand up for Christian values”.

He told Sky News: “It’s a great shame that the head of our established church is not actually prepared to stand up and fight for our Christian culture in this country.

“He’s somebody else who should go too.”

This came after Welby’s comments earlier in the year when he accused Farage of “giving legitimisation to racism” with his remarks warning that migrants to the UK could spark Cologne-style sex attacks.


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