Nigella Lawson's Tomato And Salad Cream Recipe Didn't Go Down Well With Fans

'A salad??? Really???'

Nigella Lawson has shared a very simple recipe on social media which fans have mocked as “cherry tomatoes, cut in half, with a squirt of salad cream”.

The celebrity chef shared a photo of her ‘recipe of the day’ earlier in the week, which she described as an old fashioned tomato salad. The post was shared on her Facebook page with a link to the full recipe on her site.

But the recipe, which is basically halved cherry tomatoes drizzled in homemade salad cream with seasoning, didn’t go down well among some fans, who called it a “joke”.

The chef has also outraged Italian fans for sharing a spaghetti carbonara recipe in which she used cream.

Lawson posted the simple salad recipe on 3 July and was met with instant disapproval.

Samantha Wallis wrote: ”I REALLY hope this is a joke!? This is a dish of cherry tomatoes cut in half, with a squirt of salad cream...get over youself [sic] for goodness sake!!!”

Jalal McGhie added that it was “hardly a salad” and “more of a combination of the remaining items in the fridge”.

Katri Renvall simply wrote: “A salad??? Really??? Erm...

Some fans leapt to Lawson’s defence. Belle Morris said: “Not sure why people would get so annoyed at a salad lol it’s not like you’re paying to look at this page.

“For some people, salad is either green salad or tomato salad, Nigella has said many times this is how she feels.

“Jeez people of all the things to rage against in this life, this isn’t one of them.”

Meridith Phillips added that it’s a great salad for fussy kids.

Lawson’s carbonara recipe, which she shared on 4 July, has also been heavily scrutinised, with some going as far as calling it “the death of Italian recipes”.

Why? Because she added cream.

Alessandro Casu wrote: “Nigella for us, Italians and Romans, it’s absolutely forbidden [to put] any kind of cream in any kind of pasta and never never never in carbonara! Please!”

Giulia Diane C added: “Nigella you are a wonderful woman but your recipes are the DEATH of Italian recipes, literally!

“NO CREAM IN CARBONARA... only eggs.”
