You Might Have To Socially Distance (Or Wear PPE) At Nightclubs

Boris Johnson's roadmap out of lockdown says clubs could reopen on June 21.

Nightclubs in England could reopen from June 21 – but they may still be subject to social distancing restrictions.

Boris Johnson said the government hopes to lift all legal limits on social contact and allow larger events by June 21, which means clubbing and festivals could go ahead this summer.

The prospect of the return of UK nightlife in some form was part of “step 4” set out on Monday.

But it’s unclear whether “social distancing” – such as people staying one-metre-plus away from each other – will end in June as this is different to “social contact”, which refers to restrictions on the number of people in a given place.

Whether or not you will have to wear a face mask when at a club will be decided by a review ahead of June 21.

UK government

The documeent states: “Ahead of step 4, as more is understood about the impact of vaccines on transmission and a far greater proportion of the population has been vaccinated, the government will complete a review of social distancing measures and other long-term measures that have been put in place to limit transmission.

“The results of the review will help inform decisions on the timing and circumstances under which rules on 1m+, face masks and other measures may be lifted. The review will also inform guidance on working from home – people should continue to work from home where they can until this review is complete.”

Boris Johnson says that from no earlier than 21 June all legal limits "on social contact and on weddings and other life events" will be removed, adding "we will reopen everything up to, and including, nightclubs"

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— Sky News (@SkyNews) February 22, 2021

Some are wary about the effectiveness of social distancing when people are out revelling.

In July last year, the chairman of the Police Federation warned drunk people are unable to stay one-metre-plus apart as pubs reopened in England for the first time after the first lockdown.

John Apter said: “What was crystal clear is that drunk people can’t/won’t socially distance.”

The University of Stirling made a similar warning in a study earlier this month, questioning whether pubs, clubs and bars could do enough to halt transmission.

There was a mixed reaction on social media to the prospect of clubs returning

BREAKING: Nightclubs are set to open from June 21

— Politics For All (@PoliticsForAlI) February 22, 2021

glad I’m too old for nightclubs, they look rubbish

— Jim Pickard (@PickardJE) February 22, 2021

So nightclubs in England could be opened from the 21st of June...the thought of a crowded nightclub, people sweating and coming in close contact with me (e.g. touching your waist as they squeeze past you)? It’s a NO from me.

— Holly 🌸 (@dailydoseofhols) February 22, 2021

Me when nightclubs open on the 21st of June

— l a n c e ** (@noncholance) February 22, 2021

Can someone pinch me please....

Tonight, after 11 months...The Prime Minister has finally uttered the word we have been waiting for:


— Sacha Lord (@Sacha_Lord) February 15, 2021

The government depiction of a nightclub is quite obviously two people panicking after discovering a wasp nest

— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) February 22, 2021

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