No.10 Downing Street May Be In Chaos But Twitter Is Having A Field Day

"How is Nadine going to get him out of this?"
Boris Johnson has faced even more backlash over the last week
Boris Johnson has faced even more backlash over the last week
Dan Kitwood via Getty Images

Boris Johnson’s government faced further setbacks this week as the cost of living crisis escalated and five of the prime minister’s senior aides quit.

The prime minister has tried to save face by maintaining that the restructuring in No.10 is all related to his promise to change the culture of his offices over the Partygate scandal.

However, this message was undermined by the scathing resignation letter from one of his closest allies, policy chief Munira Mirza, who said it was Johnson’s Jimmy Savile slur towards Sir Keir Starmer which was the final straw for her.

He reportedly tried to claw back some support from Tory backbenchers on Friday by quoting from the Lion King’s Rafiki: “Change is good, and change is necessary even though it is tough.”

But, a growing number of Tory MPs are handing in their letters of no confidence in a bid to oust the prime minister, while the energy price hike has further diminished Johnson’s reputation with the public this week.

It’s not all doom and gloom though, as Twitter has rolled out some of its best jokes to mock the current mayhem in government.

Shitting the bed is good, actually

— James Felton (@JimMFelton) February 4, 2022

Name me a better film than 'a Tory premiership falling to pieces in real time'

— Owen Jones 🌹 (@OwenJones84) February 3, 2022

To be fair, Boris Johnson (and Rafiki) are right - change is good. So let’s change this shit Prime Minister for a good one.

— Mark Grimshaw (@MarkGComedyUK) February 4, 2022

how is nadine going to get him out of this

— Ava-Santina (@AvaSantina) February 3, 2022

I no longer know whether to laugh or cry

— Peter Stefanovic (@PeterStefanovi2) February 4, 2022

If this was Wordle they’d all magically get it on the first go.

— Brendan May (@bmay) February 4, 2022

"Pleased to see the Captain's planned manoeuvres have gone ahead as he promised on Monday. We will continue to press ahead to New York to fulfil the people's priorities."

— Sam Freedman (@Samfr) February 3, 2022

The latest cut and paste tweets from operation Save Big Knob.

— Brian Moore (@brianmoore666) February 3, 2022

So now Boris Johnson has compared his failing government to The Lion King. Is the Lion King the one where a lion falsely accuses another lion of failing to prosecute a paedophile? Because otherwise I don't think the comparison works.

— Count Binface (@CountBinface) February 4, 2022

Boris Johnson told Number 10 staff that 'change is good' this morning. Though clearly not so good when it comes to himself

— John Crace (@JohnJCrace) February 4, 2022

Downing Street

— Henry Mance (@henrymance) February 3, 2022

Boris Johnson won't resign. They'll have to drag the man from the building. He wants to go down in history as one of the greats. It's been his life's aim - and currently he's on course to be remembered as perhaps the worst Prime Minister of the last 120 years.

— Otto English (@Otto_English) February 3, 2022

Boris Johnson is the school bully who has somehow got away with everything but the entire school board decides to expel him after the final straw which was yelling "PEDO!" at a prefect.

— Sooz Kempner (@SoozUK) February 4, 2022

Did Boris just call himself The Lying King? #LionKing #BorisJohnsonOut10

— TallDarkGeeky (@MrTallDarkGeeky) February 4, 2022

“I quit; everyone else is resigning and I don’t want to get stuck here with just Boris Johnson”

— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) February 3, 2022

What you are witnessing is me taking decisive action to refresh and strengthen my team. It definitely isn't a mad scramble by rats desperate to get off a ship before it sinks.

— Parody Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson_MP) February 3, 2022

Seriously though, they picked the PERFECT shade of blue in the briefing room, cheers lads!

— Sooz Kempner (@SoozUK) February 3, 2022

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