Noel Edmonds Claims Cancer Is Caused By Negativity

'Noel Edmonds is going full Icke. You never go full Icke.'

If you're of the age where watching 'Noel's House Party' on a Saturday evening formed an integral and fond part of your childhood then you may want to stop reading now.

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OK, Noel Edmonds has claimed cancer is caused by negativity and can be cured by a simple electronic box.

A simple box that slows ageing, reduces pain, lifts depression and stress and tackles cancer . Yep tackles cancer!

— Noel Ernest Edmonds (@NoelEdmonds) June 7, 2016

I think Noel Edmonds should stick to what he's good at. Presenting quiz shows and beard trimming, rather than curing cancer.

— ((((Vaun Earl)))) (@VaunEarl) June 7, 2016

@VaunEarl Scientific fact-disease is caused by negative energy. Is it possible your ill health is caused by your negative attitude? #explore

— Noel Ernest Edmonds (@NoelEdmonds) June 7, 2016

For a bit of background, the machine Edmonds is referring to is a Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF) device.

These have been shown to have an effect on alleviating some health conditions such as ulcers, but cancer, and claims it is caused by negativity is another matter entirely and such theories usually grace the pages of pseudo-scientific websites.

Noel Edmonds tweets that 'negative energy causes disease: fact'. Wow. What to do with that?

— Dr James Brown (@afatscientist) June 7, 2016

Noel Edmonds, Cure for Cancer? Heal or no heal.

— SJM OPINIONS (@my2pencehworth) June 7, 2016

@NoelEdmonds No credible, scientific evidence for tackling cancer. Publically promoting such quackery is extremely dangerous, Noel Edmonds.

— James (@jpick2012) June 7, 2016

Undeterred, the 67-year-old presenter stuck to his guns.

Just looked at latest stats showing very soon 50% of us will get cancer. @EMP_Pad is one way of reducing your risk #selfhealth

— Noel Ernest Edmonds (@NoelEdmonds) June 7, 2016

Fucking idiot. This sort of quackery should be illegal if it isn't already @TeessideSitP

— ((((Vaun Earl)))) (@VaunEarl) June 7, 2016

Have you tried it?

— Noel Ernest Edmonds (@NoelEdmonds) June 7, 2016

Noel Edmonds is right about positivity. Everyone seems pretty positive he's an idiot.

— paul bassett davies (@thewritertype) June 7, 2016

Noel Edmonds is going full Icke. You never go full Icke.

— Chris S (@bluemorbo) June 7, 2016

Edmonds has been believer in spiritualism for a number of years. In 2008 he claimed to be guided by angels.

Noel Edmonds thinking he can cure cancer with a magic box despite letting Mr Blobby suffer with the pox all those years.

— Andy Robertson (@RobertsonAndy) June 7, 2016

He said: "I have two orbs that visit me.They’re both the size of a melon and one sits on my arm and the other is over my shoulder. I like to think they’re my parents.

"Conventional photography can’t pick them up but digital cameras can. My belief is that these are something to do with some form of spiritual energy. And possibly because I miss my parents like mad, I like to think they are them."

Exclusive footage of Noel Edmonds and the inventor of the anti-ageing, anti-cancer box at work on their invention.

— David Schneider (@davidschneider) June 7, 2016

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