The Wild, Weird, Hilarious And Heartbreaking Christmas Wishes From Long Ago

Here's what children asked Santa Claus to bring them in the late 19th and early 20th century.

Ever wonder what kids in decades past wanted to receive from Santa Claus?

The R.L. Ripples “Tweets of Old” feed, which shares lines from newspaper items, has been tweeting Christmas wishes from the late 19th and early 20th century:

dear santa: My doll had a very bad accident. She smashed her head in a door so now she hasnt any head. Please bring her a head. Olga


— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 17, 2018

Dear Old Santa:--I'm lonesome since mamma went to Oklahoma. Please don't forget me. Jno. Nickel


— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 19, 2018

Dear Santy, Please don't come like you did last year and crack my fingers. I want a monkey that runs up a string. Claude Glase


— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 18, 2018

Dear Santa: Please don’t forget the poor children, especially the boys. I am nearly 6 years old. I have two husbands. My bad husband Kootsie, forgot the watermelon, and Buster, my good husband, loves me and his tricks. Your loving girl, Rhoda IL1906

— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 18, 2018

Dear Santa, I want a little milk wagon, a clown and elephant, and some candy, nuts and fruit. I cut my finger end off and it hurts so bad. Me and Boots Tally were playing with the lawn mower, but we are good boys so come see us. Louie

Mississippi 1911

— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 17, 2018

Dear Santa: Mama says your rain deers are dead and your wagon is broke. But Santay, you can come to the depot and somebody will bring you to our house. Myra


— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 14, 2018

Dear Santa: Please bring me a bicycle and a steam hammar.
Your dearest boy, Goosey White
P. S. Don't forget I'm a hammer boy.


— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 16, 2018

Dear Santa: Please bring me a set of furs and a dollie whats pretty. Guy Stubbs says my dollie is ugly. Henrietta


— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 15, 2018

Dear Santa, I am a little boy ten years old. My father is dead, and my mother’s circumstances will not allow us to have any Christmas. I will thank you for a box of tools and a pair of rubber boots for to serve my papers in bad weather. Very sincerely, Sanford Gladden DC1909

— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 16, 2018

Dear Santa: We just moved out here to the wild & wooly west. we have lots of prarie dogs. Be sure to bring me a gun. Artie, 5 yrs.


— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 16, 2018

Dear Santa: Please bring me a wagon with ice on it and I want a doll but mama wont let me have it for I am a boy bring me a ring. Cecil


— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 14, 2018

Dear Santa: My little brother Clyde fell down the other day and broke his face. Please bring him a new one. A false face will do. Lovingly, Walter
New Mexico 1909

— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 3, 2018

Dear Santa, Bring me a doll. If you don’t bring a doll, don’t stop at all. Don’t get sick and die before Christmas. Eugena


— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 12, 2018

Dear Santa, I won’t he here Christmas. I am going to Austin, but please bring me some crackerjack, stuffed dates, pinders, a gun, a deck of cards and a package of cigarettes. Your little fat friend, Waddy
Texas 1900

— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 8, 2018

Dear Santa, Please bring me a stove, a table two chairs and a doll. A soup bone for my dog. My cousin John says he is going to shoot you when you come past his house so you come this way first. good night. Carolyn


— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 9, 2018

Dear Santa: Mamma says I have been a bad boy and that I won't get any thing for Christmas. Then please take all the little orphans and the poor children something nice. I am so sorry I have been a bad boy. Goodbye. Guy Carricker, Age 10


— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 8, 2018

Dear Santa, I am a nice girl I study hard. I want an air gun and some shot, and a good sled. Ervine P.S. Don’t forget a football


— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 13, 2018

Dear Santa: I am the worst boy you have ever seen in your born days. But if you give me a pocket knife I'll try to do better. Your friend, Donald
Virginia 1900

— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 5, 2018

Dear Santa: Mamma said you would fill my stocking with good things. I did want to ask you for a dolly but every body says “dudes don’t play with dolls” so I just won’t tell any more what I want so good bye till next Christmas. Your true friend, Henry F. Sears Kentucky 1894

— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 5, 2018

Dear Santa: Papa says I'm large enough to smoke. Please bring me a sack of Dukes Mixture and a pipe. Your little friend, Oree Hackley

Missouri 1897

— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 10, 2018

Dear Santa,So many children will be asking you for presents which will cost such a lot of money, that I thought I would just wish you a very merry, happy Christmas and will live to see many more happy ones. -Sincerely, Vinnie

Florida 1915

— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 13, 2018

Dear Santa, We are two good little boys, and hope you will bring us a billy goat with three horns and two legs, and also a barrel of black molasses. Hoping we are not asking too much. Yours truly, Dutch and Buck

Virginia 1904

— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 13, 2018

Dear Santa: Will you please give me a horn and a drum and a doll. Though I am a boy I like dolls. And some mandolin strings. I must close, Max


— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 1, 2018

My dear Santy: Please bring me just pie this Christmas. I love pie and lots of it. I am your dear little friend, George, 8 years old.


— R.L. Ripples (@TweetsofOld) December 14, 2018

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