Owen Jones 'Beaten Up In Blatant Premeditated Assault'

The journalist was celebrating his birthday when he and his friends were attacked.

Owen Jones has said he was beaten up in a “blatant premeditated assault” as he celebrated his birthday, suffering injuries to his head and back

In a post on Twitter, the journalist said he was with friends when they were attacked as they left a pub in the early hours of Saturday morning.


He wrote: “Six of us left the pub at 3am and were saying our goodbyes 30 metres away, then a group of 3-4 men left the pub, made a beeline for me, kicked me in the back, threw me on the ground, slamming my head, and kicked me in the skull.

“My friends were punched trying to defend me.”

This is a bit dramatic, so firstly I’m fine, but last night - when I was celebrating my birthday - I was attacked, along with my friends, in a blatant premeditated assault.

— Owen Jones🌹 (@OwenJones84) August 17, 2019

Six of us left the pub at 3am and were saying our goodbyes 30 metres away, then a group of 3-4 men left the pub, made a beeline for me, kicked me in the back, threw me on the ground, slamming my head, and kicked me in the skull. My friends were punched trying to defend me.

— Owen Jones🌹 (@OwenJones84) August 17, 2019

Jones added: “Given the far right attacks I’ve had in the streets, and generally escalating far right threats I’ve had, I’m in no doubt as to what this is.”

The group then scarpered: I don’t know if they said anything in the melee. I’m fine other than a big bump on my head and a cut back.

Given the far right attacks I’ve had in the streets, and generally escalating far right threats I’ve had, I’m in no doubt as to what this is.

— Owen Jones🌹 (@OwenJones84) August 17, 2019

Oh and thanks to my friends, who were assaulted defending me and who I love very much ❤️

— Owen Jones🌹 (@OwenJones84) August 17, 2019

In January, Jones was subjected to homophobic abuse as he spoke at an anti-austerity demonstration.

The Guardian columnist re-tweeted a video which showed several people shouting “homo” towards him during the event in central London.

Jones added that he was branded a “rent boy” by other activists, who appeared to be mounting a counter-demo to the “Britain is Broken” event, partly organised by the People’s Assembly group.

So, after speaking at today's @pplsassembly rally, I was mobbed by fascists trying to swing punches and who spat down my neck (I know right, yuck, fascist spit!) Thanks to the comrades who kept them at bay. Again, not intimidated by these fash, we are going to defeat you 💪🏻 pic.twitter.com/C0MxdlIRZp

— Owen Jones🌹 (@OwenJones84) January 12, 2019

Jones said that in addition to the verbal abuse, those involved attempted to punch and spit at him.

“So, after speaking at today’s [People’s Assembly] rally, I was mobbed by fascists trying to swing punches and who spat down my neck (I know right, yuck, fascist spit!),” he wrote on Twitter.

At the Guardian we deplore the outrageous attack on Owen Jones that took place late last night. Violent assaults on journalists or activists have no place in a democratic society https://t.co/CuXEZ13hhh

— Katharine Viner (@KathViner) August 17, 2019

In a statement emailed to HuffPost UK, the Met Police, said: [A man in his thirties] was attacked by up to four males who also assaulted his friends when they attempted to intervene.

None of those injured required hospital treatment or London ambulance service.

“No arrests have been made.”


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