Parasite might have won the biggie at last night’s Oscars, but not everyone agreed that it should have won the Academy award for Best Picture.
Joan Collins has spoken out to say she didn’t think it deserved the accolade, and admitted that when she watched it she turned it off 20 minutes before the end.

Speaking on ITV’s Good Morning Britain, the actress said although Parasite was a “good” film she disagreed with the decision to award it the Best Picture Oscar.
“I have watched it but I have to say I didn’t watch the last 20 minutes because it got incredibly dark,” she said.
“I couldn’t see half of what was going on and also because it had very small writing at the bottom, so I had to kind of lean forward because we watched it on a DVD.
“So I saw three quarters of it.”
She added: “It was enough for me to say yes, it is a good film, but it is not the best film of the year in my opinion.”
Parasite swept the board at Sunday night’s Oscars, picking up four awards at the ceremony in Los Angeles.
In addition to the award for Best Picture - the first foreign language film to ever win in the category - it also picked up gongs for Best Director, Best Original Screenplay and Best International Feature.
The latest film from director Bong Joon-ho was already an Oscars trail-blazer, becoming the first South Korean film to be recognised by the Film Academy.
What’s more, Bong Joon-ho beat frontrunner Sam Mendes in the Best Director category, with the British filmmaker having previously received the distinction for 1917 at both the Golden Globes and Baftas.