22 People Who Just Wanted To Shower In Peace – But Have Kids

Five seconds' peace? Not likely.
Westend61 via Getty Images

Whether your child is running in to remark on the way you look, proudly shout “I’ve done a poo!” or has decided to bang on the shower cubicle doors with their hardest, noisiest toy – it’s safe to say that shower time is rarely a peaceful affair when young kids are about.

Don’t believe us? These parents and caregivers have perfectly summed up the shower time experience of anyone living with young children right now...


Me in the shower: 🚿🛀🏼 *hears 3yo’s feet running in

3yo: Mom, do you double dare me to jump in the shower with my bathing suit on?!

Me in the shower: 👀?

3yo: pic.twitter.com/2lkxWbng8D

— Tara Hannon ⭐️ (@tarajhannon) May 5, 2021


Nothing will wake you up faster than your 2yo ripping open the shower curtain at 6am like he Norman Bates

— i c r e a t u r e (@IAmYardDad) January 22, 2021


I’m showering for work when 9 y/o busts in on me.

Me: “Excuse me!”

9 y/o: “I’m late for school and I have to brush my teeth. Just stay in the shower. I don’t want to see anything that will ruin my childhood.”


— Jennifer Public Radiooooo👻 (@AmbientSynthy) September 30, 2023


Me to 3yo: "Go watch paw patrol so mommy can shower."

3yo: "Ok. I won't play with scissors or knives. I won't get a chair and open the closet and get your keys. I won't back the van up the driveway." pic.twitter.com/HQFapTIzHl

— Unbalanced Momma (@UnbalancedMomma) June 30, 2018


3yo: Why do we have a room just for the toilet and the bath?

Me: So people can have privacy when they’re going to the bathroom or taking a shower.

3yo: Why would someone want that?

I think I’m beginning to understand the root of much of our disconnect.

— Kristen Mulrooney (@missmulrooney) October 12, 2023


Have kids so when you finally get 3 minutes to take a shower the 5yo starts frantically banging on the door and you leap out dripping wet and covered in soap thinking something terrible has happened and she just wanted to tell you she saw a chipmunk outside.

— Dinah (@dinahaddie) July 20, 2022


Me: *gets in shower*
6yo: "Dad, can you put my hair in a ponytail?"

— urn SOCIALLY DISTANT SINCE 1993 (@urn) October 8, 2019


I came out the shower and my 4yo said “oh mummy not your boobies again” so I told her she’d have boobies when she grows up and she said “no I won’t because when I grow up I’ll be a flamingo”

— MumInBits (@MumInBits) August 4, 2021


Potty training scene: I'm in shower. 2yo stands next to toilet & pees. "Hurry. Go to ur potty!" Husband walks in & wipes floor w/ my shirt.

— Liz Chennamchetty (@LChennamchetty) July 17, 2016


When I was in the shower this morning, my 6yo discovered the funny scream I make when he flushes the toilet so I’m gonna have to kick him out of the house. We’ve had a good run.

— Shannon Carpenter (@HossmanAtHome) September 4, 2019


Anyone who is contemplating whether or not to have kids...
I just took a shower and my 4yo had his face pressed to the glass door the entire time, repetitively asking me why I don’t have a dinghy.

— Tortured by Toddlers (@TorturedByTots) August 19, 2020


Me before having kids: I'm not gonna be one of those parents who let my kids control my life

Me to my 3yo: I have to either wear a ponytail or take a shower. You can decide.

3yo, sobbing: Can...can you just wear a half ponytail?

Me: Ok, ok, that's a good compromise.

— Lucy Huber (@clhubes) May 28, 2023


A rather awkward moment with my 5yo tonight.

Me: *in the shower*
5yo: *walks in takes a moment to look* where’s the body part I came out of?
Me: *awkwardly hug my body* it’s called a vagina
5yo: do I have a vagina?
Me: no you have a penis
5yo: can I have an apple? #parenting

— Annelouise Jordan MCCT🦩🏴 (@Leazy84) February 9, 2021


6yo: Tie my shoes!
Me: Sure, it's just going to be a minute
6yo: WHY?
Me: uh, because I'm in the shower?
6yo: UGH! *stomps out of bathroom*

— S. Rain Lawrence (@rainobscured) July 31, 2016


Me, enjoying my shower:

My 4yo, outside the shower curtain: do mermaids have bones?

— greensponreads (@needmoarcoffee1) July 16, 2023


toddler *hands me a bag of chips*
me *opens it* *gives it back to him* *resumes showering*

— Josh (@iwearaonesie) September 22, 2018


Showering with my 7yo: “Why are your boobs so huge if they don’t have milk in them anymore?” “This one is medium and this one is large!” “They jiggle when you wash your hair!” #kidsamiright

— Jenna (@shamanbongchee1) August 31, 2018


Me: closes my own bathroom door to take a shower.

8yo son: opens door. “GAH! Mom, why are you naked!??” 😦

Me: pic.twitter.com/fBAh5ZQuyr

— Kelly Coon (@KellyCoon106) November 4, 2021


When your showering & your toddler answers your FT w/out you knowing & brings you the phone & your friend sees you naked. 😂😭

— Priscilla Seth ❥ (@cillaaboo) October 26, 2016


When you're soaking wet in the shower &your toddler runs into the bathroom yelling "HELP ME! I HAVE TO POOP!" #momlife #toddlers #parenting

— ElliaRae (@mediocre_mama) September 12, 2016


Being comfortable in my own skin as a mother is so important; for my mental health as well as to prepare me for today, when my toddler mooed at me as I stepped out of the shower.

— One Awkward Mom (@oneawkwardmom) November 15, 2022


My wife thought it would be cute to take a shower with our toddler and now there's poop in the tub and everyone is screaming.

— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) May 21, 2017