Paris Jackson Smashes Body Hair Taboos By Sharing Photo Of Her Unshaven Legs


Paris Jackson has long fought back against societal beauty standards. Now, the 19-year-old daughter of Michael Jackson has shown women they do not have to succumb to pressure to shave their legs or armpits.

On Sunday, the model and activist shared a photo of herself on Instagram where if you look closely, you can make out her leg hair growing in full glory.

The star captioned the image: โ€œIf youโ€™re not competing with your brother over who can grow longer leg hair wyed [what you even doing].โ€

This weekend she also attended the MTV VMAs with noticeable armpit hair.

Earlier this year Jackson tackled body hair taboos on social media by sharing a photo of her armpit hair online.

After receiving an unprecedented backlash, she later shared a video to Instagram stories hitting back at the haters.

โ€œI didnโ€™t realise that people were going to get so upset over my armpit hair,โ€ she reportedly said.

โ€œI didnโ€™t realise that was such an issue. It is so funny...People are really mad. I wish I could post some of these responses. You can just tell how angry and infuriated these people are.

โ€œI love hair, and sweat, and BO. I f****** love it, I think itโ€™s great. Some people think that itโ€™s like super disgusting, especially on girls, but every human body does it. Itโ€™s natural. Get over it.โ€

She later shared a sarcastic tweet about the (totally unnecessary) debacle, which said: โ€œWow she grows hair like every human being on the planet, what is she doing with her life.โ€

wow she grows hair like every human being on the planet, what is she doing with her life

โ€” Paris-Michael K. J. (@ParisJackson) March 25, 2017