Paul ‘Gazza’ Gascoigne Taunts Snoop Dogg With A Huge Fake Spliff As He Warns Rapper He’s ‘Coming’ For Him In Twitter Video

The unlikely celeb feud started after the US rapper used images of the former footballer on social media to illustrate "alcohol abuse".

There has been an update in the series ‘Celeb Feuds Nobody Saw Coming’ between Paul ‘Gazza’ Gascoigne and Snoop Dogg.

Allow us to bring you up to speed.

On Thursday, the US rapper posted pictures of Gazza – who has had a public battle with alcohol addiction – at the ages 20 and 47 on Instagram, showing the difference in his appearance under the words “alcohol abuse”.

Underneath, he then shared pictures of himself at the same ages, writing beneath them “marijuana abuse”, seemingly suggesting that it had less of an impact on his looks.

It didn’t take Gazza long to respond (and let’s just say he didn’t hold back), posting a picture of a dog, featuring Snoop style braids and a gold chain, which he charmingly captioned: “Morning @SnoopDogg get your lazy arse out of bed it’s walkies time woof woof you ugly twat LOVE GAZZA xxx.”

Morning @SnoopDogg get your lazy arse out of bed it’s walkies time woof woof you ugly twat LOVE GAZZA xxx

— Paul Gascoigne (@Paul_Gascoigne8) June 28, 2019

Now the former England footballer has taken it up a notch (or ten), after he shared a video of him taunting Snoop on Twitter.

Wearing fake dreadlocks and sunglasses, Gazza is seen holding a giant fake spliff, and jokingly warns the rapper: “Snoop Snoopy Dog… woof! I’m coming for ya,” before signing off with a laugh.

Morning @SnoopDogg xxxx

— Paul Gascoigne (@Paul_Gascoigne8) June 29, 2019

Quite where this will all end is anyone’s guess, but we have a feeling it won’t be long before Snoop offers up some equally withering response.

So far it appears fans are siding with Gazza, with many taking to Twitter to praise the soccer star for getting his life back on track after several stints in rehab for drugs and alcohol addiction.

Fuck em Gazza. @SnoopDogg should be ashamed of that attack. You look great and are doing so well.

— Andrew Armstrong (@AndrewA89) June 27, 2019

Nevermind them gazza keep living life to the full..good to see you having fun

— James (@55coming2020) June 27, 2019

@Paul_Gascoigne8 honestly a lot of people thought the worst would happen to you. But you’ve got on the straight and narrow which a lot of others struggle or never do. Now look at you. Respect

— Darren Hinchley (@Hinchley87) June 27, 2019

I’d take it as a positive. Yeah you looked like shit when you had your problems. You’ve turned yourself around and look dapper again so look st that tweet & applaud your hard work

— Heather (@xxxzukixxx) June 27, 2019

Stay tuned, people.

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